The final battle

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"This new body is amazing!" Maeoku said inspecting his body. "Hey Zamasu why don't you give me a minute okay?" The fusion of Mae and Goku had given them a body like Goku's only with Mae's lean build. His hair was like Mae's with Goku's bangs. His face was like Goku's only with Mae's eyes.

"Are you really going to tell a god to wait?!" Zamasu asked in astonishment.

"Wow even my clothes have fused. I think mine are much cooler, what do you think?" Maeoku smirked at Zamasu. Their clothes merged and looked like Goku's gi only black like Mae's outfit. He wore an orange undershirt with orange wristbands and boots as well.

"Hmph it's amazing how mortals will imitate the gods. However your arrogance will be the end for you." Zamasu growled.

"Okay I think that's enough. I hope you are ready for Maeoku Blue!" Maeoku yelled going super saiyan blue. "This power is overwhelming!"

"You foolish mortals what you have done is evil! Only when the gods do something can it be good and pure." Zamasu preached. "Now you will face my holy wrath!"

Maeoku put his arm out to stop the ball of energy. Trunks, Vegeta, and the supreme Kais watched in awe as the fused saiyan held back the energy with ease. "Is this the best you've got?" He said knocking the energy back at Zamasu.

"You dare to pretend to be a god?! You are nothing but an insignificant bug! I will end you Maeoku and then this world as well!" Zamasu shouted.

Maeoku rolled his eyes, having had enough of Zamasu's ramblings, he went in for an attack. He punched him hard across the right side of his face. "You were open and all you do is talk."

Zamasu yelled and countered sending Maeoku flying into a building. Maeoku climbed from the rubble and dusted himself off. "Is that all?" He asked as he went in to attack. He kept his attacks on the right side of Zamasu, going for his weak spot.

"You impertinent saiyan! Blades of judgement!" Zamasu yelled as the red beams came down.

Maeoku brought his arms over his face as the blast went off. When the smoke cleared he was on the ground. "This is where you die!" Zamasu yelled as he formed an energy blade.

"Heh," Maeoku laughed as he formed his own blade piercing Zamasu's left flank. "Did you think you were the only one who could do that?"

"Damn it!" Zamasu cried out in pain.

"Does that hurt? What happened to your immortality?" Maeoku asked turning the blade. "Do you want to know what your problem is? You look down on mortals and yet the reason you are suffering now is because you took in the mortal named Goku."

Zamasu looked back at Maeoku, "I am immortal and I cannot be defeated!"

"Not anymore, Goku is a part of you now and that is why you will be defeated!" Maeoku yelled.

"You foolish mortals," Zamasu whispered as he broke Maeoku's blade. "I'm glad to have Goku's body with me!"

"What?" Maeoku asked in confusion while gaining some distance from Zamasu.

"You see Goku is a mortal who has surpassed the gods and by taking him in I am the personification of failure." Zamasu explained as he flew up. "I have taken in the sins of mortals and the failure of gods for it is the duty of a god!" He said, tears falling from his eyes.

"Are you really crying?!" Maeoku asked surprised.

Zamasu wiped a tear, "all that I do, I do for the universe! This world will be cleansed and purified!" He yelled as he begun to grow bigger.

"You really are disgusting and if you think I'm going to let you just destroy the world and the universe you are gravely mistaken!" Maeoku yelled.

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