To the World of Void

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Goku and Frieza finally made it back after Beerus and Whis went to collect them. They looked like they had been fighting with someone but everyone was on edge. "My my, looks like there are some familiar faces here." Frieza chuckled.

"Do anything and you answer to me," Beerus warned.

"Haha, I know Lord Beerus." Frieza replied.

"That angel halo suits you, Frieza." Vegeta smirked.

"If you want I can give you one of your own." Frieza replied.

Mae stepped up to him, "is that a threat?!"

"Oh so the half breed wants to fight." Frieza laughed at her.

"Call me half breed again and I will rip out your throat." Mae glared menacingly.

"Frieza stop it!" Goku said.

"I don't answer to you." Frieza glared at him.

"Hey Gohan," Krillin whispered, "how come Mae doesn't like being called a half breed? I mean she is half saiyan and half human."

"It's because of the way she sees herself." Gohan explained. "She sees herself as a Saiyan, just like how I see myself as a human."

"Frieza, I'm warning you now if you betray us I will make you suffer!" Mae was the same height as Frieza but she tried to make herself taller.

"Mae, it's okay if he gets out of hand I'll deal with him." Goku said trying to stop her.

"Now now everyone, let's just calm down and I'll go over our plan." Shin said nervously trying to cut the tension.

"We don't need a a plan," Vegeta crossed his arms. "All we need to do is take out the strongest fighters."

"For once I agree with you Vegeta." Frieza chuckled.

Vegeta took a fighting stance before Piccolo stopped him, "Vegeta if we lose then Trunks and Bulla will vanish too." He reminded the proud saiyan.

"You think I don't know that?" Vegeta mumbled backing down.

"In order to win we need to work together as a team." Gohan said. "In the beginning let's stick together and save our stamina."

"When an enemy approaches, we'll fight together." Shin continued. "Don't fight alone. For a single opponent fight with two and for two fight with three."

"That's not very fair." Goku interjected.

"Yea I agree." Mae put her hands on her hips.

"We saiyans are a proud warrior race." Vegeta said, "we don't need to rely on numbers to win."

"You saiyans!" Beerus roared, "all that matters is winning! It doesn't matter if it's fair or not."

"Gohan," Piccolo said quietly. "Mae, Goku, and Vegeta are saiyans to their core. We need to take control and get them to work together."

"I agree." Gohan nodded. "I'll talk to Mae. I know that she will at least work with Vegeta or dad."

"Yea she's pretty good about working with them but at the same time there's a good chance she will go off on her own." Piccolo said.

Before Gohan could answer, Whis got their attention. "Everyone, it's almost time to leave so please form a circle and hold hands."

Mae took Gohan's hand and he looked down at her and said, "do you think dad and Vegeta will work together?"

"Probably not." Mae said bluntly.

"Will you?" Gohan asked.

"I will work with you, dad, and Vegeta. Does that make you feel better?" Mae said.

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