Rage and Guilt

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"It's all my fault." Mae whispered. "Damn it!" She yelled as she launched herself into the sky. She had to get away, had to find somewhere else to be. She closed her eyes and flew she didn't care where as long as it was away. Eventually she came up to a canyon and landed on a rock pillar. She screamed into the sky letting all of her rage pour out. The earth trembled around her and when she was finished she sat down pulling her knees to her chest. A single tear falling down her cheek she asked herself, "why?"

"Gohan go after her." Piccolo said.

"Are you sure I should?" Gohan asked. He could feel the turmoil inside his sister.

"Damn it I'll go after her." Vegeta stood up.

"Vegeta wait. Right now she doesn't need her mentor, she needs you Gohan." Piccolo said. "She needs her other half."

"Yea you're right." Gohan said. "I'll bring her back." He launched himself after her. He already knew where to find her. He found her curled up, "Mae." He said as he landed next to her.

"What do you want Gohan." Mae said without looking up.

"Come back with me." Gohan said.

"Why so I can sit in front of everyone knowing that it's my fault Frieza is coming back." Mae glared.

Gohan sighed and sat down next to her. "It's not your fault."

"Oh so Tien's arms broke on their own then?" Mae said sarcastically. "No, if I hadn't foolishly gotten possessed then he would be able to fight."

"Dad told me what happened." Gohan said. "Also don't blame yourself for that. At the time we thought Buu could enter there's no way we could have known that he would fall asleep."

"I guess." Mae said squeezing her knees closer to her body.

"Besides, it's only for 24 hours." Gohan reminded her.

"What if during that time Frieza does something bad." Mae looked at her brother.

"Then we will deal with it." Gohan smiled.

"Last time Frieza was here you almost died." Mae said. "I wasn't strong enough to fight him."

"You are now though." Gohan said looking up. "You have come so far. You can use super saiyan blue and I know that you can go even further. I'm sure that one day you will surpass Vegeta and our father. You can defeat Frieza if he causes trouble."

"I'm afraid." She whispered, Gohan was the only one she let see her vulnerable side.

Gohan wrapped his arm around his twin, "It's gonna be okay."

Mae leaned against him. "I hope so."

"You must be looking forward to the tournament." Gohan said changing the subject.

"I am. I can't wait to fight all the strong people!" Mae said excitedly. "I especially want to pay that Lavender guy back for what he did to you."

"Hah, you've always looked out for me." Gohan said. "Even though I'm technically older."

Mae gave him a cocky grin. "I could just kick your ass."

Gohan grinned back at her, "you can try."

"Haha, thanks for making me feel better Gohan." Mae laughed.

"Anytime Mae. We should head back now. Dad should be back soon with news of Frieza." Gohan said standing up. He held a hand out for Mae to help her up. "Wanna race back?"

"You're on!" Mae grinned. "Rules?"

"We only use our base forms. No powering up." Gohan bent his knees.

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