Wedding Day

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Mae woke up and put on her training clothes. As she was stretching her body Chi-Chi burst into the room. "Mom?" Mae blinked in surprise.

"Why are you wearing that?" Chi-Chi asked looking at her attire.

"I'm going to train?" Mae said raising an eyebrow at her.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten what's happening today?" Chi-Chi sighed when Mae shrugged. "It's your wedding day. I swear you are exactly like Goku."

"I just got my days mixed up, calm down." Mae said tucking her hands in her pockets.

"Alright, get dressed." Chi-Chi said.

"I am." Mae replied.

"You can't be serious." Chi-Chi said crossing her arms.

"I don't see what the problem is." Mae shrugged. Training clothes were what she felt most comfortable in.

"You do realize that the gods are going to be here." Chi-Chi said.

"So what? They've seen me like this." Mae said walking out of the room.

"Get back here!" Chi-Chi yelled running after her daughter. When they ran into Goku Chi-Chi huffed. "Goku do something about your daughter!"

"What am I doing?" Goku asked raising an eyebrow.

"She won't wear a dress." Chi-Chi said.

"So?" Goku tilted his head.

"This is exactly what I mean!" Chi-Chi snapped. "You make her wear one. Actually no wait that's a bad idea. Bulma! Videl! Can you guys help me here?"

Bulma and Videl walked over. "Mae why aren't you dressed?" Videl asked.

"I don't see what the big deal is. I don't think Jiren is gonna be all fancy." Mae pouted.

Jiren rounded the corner with Toppo at his side. "I'm glad that you and Dyspo made it." He said. He was wearing a sleek black suit with a blue undershirt and a black tie. "Oh hey."

Chi-Chi pointed at Jiren. "See he's all dressed up. Now let's go."

"Jiren save me!" Mae said trying to grab him while her mother dragged her back to her room.

"Don't worry about her. She is just being difficult." Bulma reassured him.

"So, typical Mae." Jiren smiled, shaking his head.

"Pretty much." Bulma laughed.

"Let's see what we have to work with." Videl said opening Mae's closet. She pulled out one dress, the same one that Whis had given her for her birthday.

"Is that the only dress you have?" Chi-Chi asked.

"Yea. I don't make a habit of buying dresses." Mae said cross legged on the bed.

"This is why we should have gone shopping before today." Bulma sighed.

"Put this on." Videl said handing her the dress.

"Fine." Mae snatched it from her and put it on. She flattened out the skirt that showed the embroidered flowers. "How's that?"

"You look beautiful. Now let's do something with your hair." Chi-Chi said. She brushed her hair but no matter what, it wouldn't flatten out. Chi-Chi sighed and resorted to a blue and green flower clip in Mae's hair.

"That's so pretty!" Videl cooed.

As the girls were getting Mae ready Whis walked over to Goku and Vegeta. Their wives made both of them put on suits as well. "So who is going to walk Mae down the aisle?" He asked with a twinkle in his eye.

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