Goku Black

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"So you must be Goku," Black sneered looking down upon Goku. "I can't believe I'll be getting the chance to fight you in this form."

"You must be Goku Black," Goku said flying up to meet Black.

"My lord look, that Black fellow is wearing a time ring," Whis said to Beerus.

"Your right. Also, this Goku Black feels like Goku but also not Goku." Beerus said opening another fish sausage.

"Wait, does that mean that guy really is my dad?" Mae said astonished.

"It seems like there are a lot of mysteries here," Whis said.

Mae looked back to the sky where Goku and Black were hovering. Black then fired a huge ball of energy at Goku sending him flying off to the nearby canyon. Goku hit the rocks hard and Mae, Vegeta, and Trunks rushed after him. When they got there they saw Goku attacking Black at super saiyan.

"Heh, so this is the power of legendary super saiyan Goku!" Black smiled he seemed to be enjoying the fight as much as Goku was.

"So you enjoy fighting as well, huh?" Goku laughed and smiled back at Black. He launched forward catching Black off guard and sent him crashing to the ground. When Black landed Goku sent a barrage of energy attacks. As the smoke cleared a flash of dark energy came from Black as he powered up. He was back attacking Goku in an instant. It was clear that they were evenly matched at this moment but Mae could feel Black's power rising.

Suddenly something pulled Black to the rift. They all followed trying to figure out what was happening. Goku went in for another attack but Black blocked and countered sending Goku back to the ground. They were back where they started and in the crash the time machine was knocked to its side.

"Goku be care of the time machine!" Trunks yelled out.

"So that's how you got here to the past," Black said staring at the machine. "Amazing how you used a piece of metal to travel through time.

"Pay attention!" Goku yelled as he went in for an attack. He hit Black hard in the face and Black was trying to keep up with Goku. Again something was pulling Black through the rift and in one cruel stroke he destroyed the time machine before he was completely sucked back through the rift. The sky closed returning to normal.

Goku returned to the ground where the rest of them were, "what happened? Where did he go?"

"It seems that as the rift began to normalize the time ring began to react to that sending Black to his own time. You could say that he simply ran out of time." Whis explained.

"No! The time machine! Now what am I going to do?!" Trunks collapsed to the ground. "Now there's nothing to stop him from destroying everything."

Vegeta walked over to the fiery mess, "Trunks, you don't give up. You always find a way!" Trunks didn't say anything to his father. All he could think of was how much of a failure he was. Now that the machine was destroyed all the work his mother did was meaningless.

Mae cautiously walked to Trunks, "Bulma has the notes from the time machine. I'm sure she can make a new one."

"Mom! Do you think you can do that?" Trunks jumped up remembering the notes.

"Let me see," Bulma paused looking at the notes. "Hmm, I don't know. This all seems too advanced for the present me. If we had another machine," Bulma suddenly stopped as if she remembered something. "I'll be right back!"

"Maybe Lord Beerus and Whis have an idea," Mae put her hand on Trunks' shoulder.

He looked down at her and took her hand in his, "Yea you're right." He looked at her with a subtle sadness. "Lord Beerus sir! Can you tell me about the time ring Black was wearing?"

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