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Hearts looked down at the fighters below him. He wore an arrogant grin on his face, knowing he was the most powerful being now. He watched as they pulled themselves off the ground with hardened expressions. Once they were all in the air Hearts held a hand out. "Now, feel my power!"

Hearts began to glow and the green spheres that circled his back flew forward and formed around Mae, Goku, and the others. They all looked around cautiously, waiting for something to happen.

"What does he plan to do?" Piccolo wondered.

"Tch," Mae gave an uneasy look at the spheres around them.

"Heh, the show starts now," Hearts smirked. He snapped his fingers together causing the spheres to move in a circle around the group.

Suddenly the spheres shot forward and began attacking. Everyone continued to dodge the small orbs as they flew around at great speeds. Vegeta held his hands out and blasted one of the spheres. "What?!" He exclaimed when it continued to attack, his blast did nothing. He quickly brought his hands over his face as the orb hit.

"Dad!" Trunks yelled as he avoided another sphere.

"Piccolo watch out!" Mae called just before the Namekian was struck.

The spheres slowly began to close in, taking ground from the fighters. As Vegeta went to dodge he accidentally bumped into Trunks. He looked over his shoulder at his son. "You're in my way Trunks!"

Android 17 and Piccolo wound up back to back as they too tried to avoid the spheres. Jiren and Hit brought their hands up and ended up connecting with each other. Mae got struck in the stomach by a sphere, knocking her into Goku. He ended up losing his balance and fell back into Hit and Jiren. The area continued to grow smaller and smaller until they were each attacked by an orb.

Hearts rushed forward before they could recover. He drove a knee into Vegeta's stomach while kicking Trunks upside the head. Next he went after 17 and Piccolo, punching them both across the jaw. He suddenly appeared in front of Hit and Jiren, punching them both. As they fell he grabbed Mae by her hair and punched her hard in the stomach before kicking Goku down.

Hearts landed on the ground and looked at the craters that the fighters were now in. The spheres returned to his back in an instant. He started to laugh as the smoke began to clear. "This is the best!"

"Damn bastard," Mae swore as she pushed herself off the ground. She glanced to the others, everyone except Jiren and Hit looked battle worn and that last attack didn't help any.

"Tch, damn it," Vegeta scowled. "He did all that with just one attack?"

Piccolo moved some rubble off himself and 17. "So this is the power of the universal seed," he said.

"Haa!" Goku yelled, powering up to super saiyan blue as he flew to attack Hearts.

Before he could reach him, Hearts held a hand out and held Goku in place with his gravity powers. "I can see everything," he smirked. "Your movements, your heart."

"Tchh," Goku ground his teeth together and tried to force himself forward. Hearts merely sent the saiyan flying backwards with a laugh.

"Dad!" Mae yelled as Goku dug his heels into the ground. He managed to come to a stop but he lost his blue form.

While Hearts had his attention on Goku, Jiren and Hit took this chance to attack. They jumped up and drew their arms back to punch at Hearts. "Both of you! It's useless!" Hearts yelled. Just like with Goku, he stopped them and sent them flying back. Hearts raised his hand with a grin, "Gravity Finale!"

"What the?" Goku and Vegeta asked at the same time.

Mae looked down and saw rainbow cubes underneath her. "Shit," she swore.

"Let's get out of here!" Piccolo yelled, but it was too late. Hearts lifted his hand and the cubes suddenly began attacking.

Mae brought her arms over her face, trying to lessen the damage from the attack. She glanced over to see 17 and Trunks doing the same thing. Everyone was under attack as the cubes shot out from the ground and into the air.  Hearts flew up into the air and laughed as the cubes came together to form one massive orange cube.

As the cube descended, the gravity became more intense on Mae and everyone else. No one could avoid it as the cube pressed down on them and into the earth, leaving a massive crater before it vanished. Before anyone could move, more energy came off Hearts. It surged through the air and into the ground. A huge explosion went off in the crater where the fighters were. The light faded, everyone was still alive, although they did suffer serious damage.

Piccolo stood up and took his armor off, "we can't run. This power...it'll destroy the whole universe."

"I won't let that happen!" Jiren yelled as he took off towards Hearts.

"This is my job!" Hit exclaimed following after the Grey.

Mae watched her husband and the assassin continuously try to attack Hearts. "D-Damn it," she swore. She turned her head to make sure Vegeta and Trunks were okay. Once she saw them get up along with Goku and 17 she turned her attention back to Hearts. There had to be a way to defeat him, although she wasn't sure how.

"Vegeta!" Goku called as he flew to the saiyan prince.

"What do you want?" Vegeta frowned.

"We need to combine our power," Goku said with narrow eyes.

"Are you talking about fusion?!" Vegeta asked, shocked. "Stop joking."

"I'm being serious," Goku furrowed his brows. "I don't know when I'll be able to use Ultra Instinct again.  So we gotta combine our powers like last time."

Vegeta thought for a moment before turning to his student. "Mae! You know fusion yes?"

"Yeah, but I'm too short to fuse with dad," Mae scratched her head.

"You'll be fusing with me," Vegeta told her.

"Woah really?" Mae blinked in surprise.

"Yes, now hurry up before I change my mind," Vegeta said moving to an area with more space.

"Dad, try and tap into ultra instinct again," Mae told him.

"Yeah, I'll try," Goku smiled at her.

When Mae went and landed next to Vegeta Piccolo wondered, "are they really going to fuse?" He turned to Trunks, 17, and Goku. "Let's buy them some time!"

"Right!" 17 and Trunks nodded and took off after Hearts.

"Good luck, Mae, Vegeta," Goku said before he and Piccolo joined the fight.

Mae looked at Vegeta and gave him a short nod. Even though this was her first time actually using the technique, she knew Vegeta's movements very well. There was no way this could fail. Both Mae and Vegeta brought their arms out, ready to begin. Master and student went through the movements exactly the same. "Fuuu-sion! Ha!" They yelled, bringing their fingers together.

A bright light went off from Mae and Vegeta. Hearts used that moment to knock Jiren and the others back. As the light faded a young woman stood there with a frown. "Oh? You're interesting," Hearts remarked. "What's your name?"

The fused warrior looked up at Hearts with dark eyes, "Mae plus Vegeta. We are Mageta!"

"Do you think you can beat the ultimate like that?" Hearts laughed at her.

Mageta smirked, "let's have some fun, Hearts."

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