Love and Beauty

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"That damn Kakarot." Vegeta muttered. "Mae let's go."

"Right!" Mae glanced over her shoulder at Jiren before running to join Vegeta.

"Kakarot is probably out of stamina again." Vegeta said.

"We should probably help him." Mae said.

"You can help him if you want." Vegeta scoffed.

"Probably a good idea. I imagine the other universes will be going for him." Mae crossed her arms.

"You there!" A man in a battle suit pointed at them. "Fight with me!"

"I've got this." Vegeta said dropping his arms to his sides.

"Alright. I'll go and find Dad." Mae said as she jumped up behind him.

"You let the girl escape?" The man asked.

"If Kakarot can do it I can too." Vegeta said trying to clear his mind.

"Damn it where is he?" Mae asked herself as she jumped over piles of rubble. Her stamina was starting to wane. She had used Ice twice and it wasn't even at its fullest. She would need to take it easy and recover her stamina if she wanted to be able to break through the wall.

"If you won't attack then I will!" The man changed his battle suit. It showed a yellow 'B', "this is my raging battle suit. My strength is 300x in this."

"All I have to do is clear my mind." Vegeta said softly. The man rushed him and slammed him into the wall. Vegeta closed his eyes as the fighter began to punch him repeatedly in the face. Vegeta brought up his hand and grabbed the man's fist. "That's enough!" He then punched him bringing the fighter to his knees.

Mae continued to run until she saw Ribrianne and Rozie. "Something tells me they are headed for Dad." She jumped up and followed them.

"Son Goku!" Ribrianna said as she landed on a pillar.

Mae jumped down and saw her father on his knees. He was completely out of stamina. Three other fighters from universe two joined the girls.

"Let's send him our love!" Ribrianne said as she and Rozie formed a heart. "Love symphony!" A huge energy heart went straight for Goku. Before Mae could act someone shot it down with their own energy.

"What the?" Mae looked and saw the androids 17 and 18. "Dad are you okay?" She ran out to him.

"Yea I'll be okay." Goku gasped.

"Ugh you again?!" Ribrianne snapped. "Why are you here ugly girl?"

"Came to help my dad." Mae said putting her hands on her hips. "Also stop calling me ugly! It's getting annoying."

"Hey Mae." Said 18 as 17 joined them.

"What's up you guys?" Mae grinned.

"Ribrianne, please let me have that one!" Rozie said pointing at 17. "I want to avenge Kakunsa!"

"Mae you stay back and guard Goku." 17 said.

"Fine fine. Keep all the fun to yourselves." Mae whined.

"I guess we will have to take these ones out first." Ribrianne sighed. "Zarbuto, Rabanra, and Zirloin watch Goku. Make sure he doesn't escape but remember he's mine to take out."

Rozie and Ribrianne launched at the androids leaving Mae and Goku. "Mae are you okay on stamina?" Goku asked.

"I really don't think you can talk." Mae laughed. "I'm fine."

"I'm guessing Ice uses quite a bit of stamina." Goku said pushing himself up.

"Not as much as Ultra instinct. Just stay down." Mae said as the three fighters came up to them.

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