The Evil Saiyan

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After Fu vanished, leaving the Saiyans, Xeno Goku and Mae powered down. "Mae let's go," Xeno Goku said.

"Right," Xeno Mae nodded.

Mae and Goku powered down as well. "Where are you guys going?" She asked.

"We gotta continue our search," Xeno Mae replied. She wrapped her tail around her hips again.

"We will probably cross paths again," Xeno Goku said as they took off into a different direction.

Mae, Goku, Vegeta, and Mai walked through the the rocky terrain. They were off to try and find Trunks. "Didja see, that other Mae had a tail," Mae turned to Goku.

"Maybe she never had hers cut off," Goku shrugged. He tucked his hands behind his head as they walked.

"Think those dragon balls will really let us escape from here?" Mai asked.

"Who knows," Mae replied. "But, I really don't like that Fu guy."

"Me neither," Goku agreed.

Fu watched an island from his monitor room. Inside the Evil Saiyan was trapped. He smirked as the black aura shot out of the island, making the rocks crumble around it. "Yes, Evil Saiyan!" Fu laughed as he broke free. "It's almost your time to shine."

"Hey, Vegeta, where do you think all the strong guys are?" Goku questioned.

"Who cares? Just look for Trunks' energy," Vegeta scowled.

"What the hell?" Mae stopped as she felt a massive, negative energy heading straight for them.

"What is that?" Vegeta asked. They looked off into the direction it was coming from. They saw a huge black aura streaking through the sky.

"Mai, you need to hide!" Goku said pushing her towards some rocks.

A man flew over them and landed on the cliff above them. He had a metal mask over his face and his arms were restrained. His dark aura shot out sending energy blasts in all directions. Mae, Goku, and Vegeta blocked the incoming attacks.

"Is he a saiyan?" Vegeta wondered noticing his tail. "I've never felt such evil aura."

"It's worse than Drae's," Mae frowned.

"Let's go!" Goku yelled, powering up to super saiyan.

Mae and Vegeta followed him as he went to punch at the Evil Saiyan. As soon as Goku touched the aura, it engulfed him. Goku screamed as his aura shifted to yellow and black. His eyes completely white. He turned on Mae and Vegeta and began attacking them instead.

"Kakarot! What's wrong with you?" Vegeta yelled as he dodged a punch.

"He's lost control!" Mae shouted. "Snap out of it Dad!" She kicked him in the back, sending him flying at Vegeta.

Goku righted himself and sent an energy blast at Mae. She brought her hands up, over her face, and grunted as the blast hit her. He turned around to face Vegeta and sent a barrage of energy blasts at the saiyan prince.

Vegeta began deflecting the blasts. "Enough Kakarot!" He yelled, but Goku wouldn't stop.

One of the energy blasts soared straight for Mai. "Look out!" Mae shouted, she wouldn't be able to reach her in time.

"Mai!" Trunks appeared and deflected the blast. "Why are you here?" He asked.

"Trunks!" Mai exclaimed. "We came to find you."

"It's not safe here!" Trunks said, protecting her.

"Trunks, deal with Kakarot!" Vegeta ordered. "Mae you're with me!"

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