Vegito vs Cumber

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Drae struggled against Cumber's grasp. Spots filled her vision as she gasped for air. If she didn't break free she was going to die. 'Mae do something!' She thought desperately.

Mae took back control just as Vegito went super saiyan blue. She charged her energy up to super saiyan ice and blasted Cumber in the side. It was just enough to make him loosen his grip and she was able to break free. She gulped in air just as Cumber punched her in the stomach, sending her crashing into the ground.

"Hah!" Vegito yelled as he flew forward to attack. Cumber held his hand up and formed a huge, black energy ball and tossed it towards the fused saiyan.

"Shit! Trunks!" Mae gasped as she powered down to blue. She flew straight up as Vegito flew into the orb, causing it to explode. Cumber released his grip on Trunks and Mae as able to save him.

As the light faded Cumber was holding his arm, glaring at Vegito. "Damn you."

Vegito smirked and turned to Mae. "Get Trunks out of here."

"I can help you!" Mae insisted, she wiped blood from the corner of her mouth. She ended up taking damage from the blast.

"No, let me deal with this," Vegito shook his head.

"Fine," Mae nodded and picked up Trunks, who was just barely holding on to consciousness.

"Thanks, Mae," Trunks gasped. Mae nodded, powering back down to base.

"Trunks!" Mai yelled as she came running to help. Concern and worry was clear on her face.

"He's gonna be okay," Mae assured her.

"What about you?" Mai asked.

"I'll be fine, that blast wasn't too bad," Mae grinned at her. "I've handled far worse."

Vegito smirked as he rushed forward to attack Cumber. Their fists met, sending a shockwave through the air. Cumber growled at the saiyan before the two of them took off into the air. As they collided with each other, more shockwaves appeared in the sky. Cumber was keeping pace with Vegito as they continued to punch and kick at a furious speed.

Cumber punched Vegito who quickly blocked the blow. "I'm amazed to find such a worthy opponent," Cumber said as Vegito skidded to a halt. "Destroying someone like you gives me joy!" He formed a dark claw with his energy and slashed at Vegito.

"What the?" Vegito swore as he narrowly dodged the sharp talons. The claw turned in the air and began to chase him, trying to rip him to shreds. Vegito continued to dodge until the claw made a sharp turn and smashed him into the cliff side.

"This seems to be getting interesting," Cooler said, watching from the side.

Rubble and debris exploded out as Vegito burst from the cliff side. A red aura surrounded the brilliant blue one as he shouted, "Kaioken!" He boosted his power even more before charging to attack Cumber.

Mai looked over her shoulder. She couldn't follow the fight, but she could see the sparks from their blows. "I hope Goku and Vegeta will be okay."

"Vegito is strong, I'm sure he's got this," Mae assured her. She could still remember when Drae took on Vegito. The power she felt from him. At this point, he felt somewhat stronger than he had during that time. Most likely since both Goku and Vegeta had grown stronger. She watched intently at the two saiyans. Their energy continuing to rise as they sent blow after blow.

The energy coming off them caused a crack to form in one of the chain links that covered the sky. As Fu watched from his lab, he failed to notice this. He was too focused on the fight happening before him. "I want more!" He cheered. "This is the mightiest energy!"

Cumber held his hand up and formed another massive, black energy ball. Vegito jumped back, gaining some distance. Before Cumber finished forming the orb he brought his hands out in front of him. "Final Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" He shouted sending the yellow wrapped beam straight for Cumber.

"Rah!" Cumber roared tossing the massive orb at Vegito's energy beam.

Vegito put more power into his attack and began pushing against Cumber's. He yelled, digging deeper as Cumber fought against him. The orb began to push harder against the beam and Vegito gritted his teeth, finding even more power. Soon the blast was able to cut through the orb, heading straight for Cumber.

Cumber formed an energy claw and sliced the final Kamehameha before it hit him. The cracked chain link snapped from the energy. Cumber formed another claw and attacked Vegito, knocking him back.

"Scum," Cumber snarled. "I'm going to bury you with my own hands. You should consider it an honor!"

"Tch," Vegito frowned at the evil saiyan.

A white orb formed in Cumber's hand before he launched it up into the sky. "It can't be!" Mae gasped.

"No way!" Vegito's eyes widened in shock.

"Burst and mix!" Cumber yelled and the bright white light expanded into a glowing orb in the sky.

"Shit! That's not good!" Mae said through her teeth.

Cumber stared up at the orb and he began to transform. His body grew and expanded as he took on the power of the great ape. Mae had seen this form twice in her life, once from Vegeta and once form Gohan. The only difference was that Cumber's fur has a golden color to it instead of the brown she had seen before. Cumber let out a mighty roar once the transformation was complete.

"Damn it, he transformed," Vegito swore.

"He's massive," Trunks gasped. "What did he do?"

"Saiyans with tails can transform when they stare at the moon. That orb he created gives off that same kind of energy," Mae explained. "I've never seen gold though. I have a really bad feeling about this."

"Mae you should go help them," Mai said, staring up at Cumber.

"Right," Mae nodded and flew towards Vegito.

An energy beam formed in front of the mask covering Cumber's mouth. He fired it directly at Vegito who braced himself against the blast. Only before it hit him he reverted back to Goku and Vegeta.

"We are out of power already?" Vegeta gasped as the beam passed between them.

Another beam came flying at them but before it hit Mae powered up to blue and deflected the blast. "How are you guys out of time already?!" She snapped at them.

"I'm not sure," Goku gasped, his energy draining.

"Damn it well I guess I'll deal with this," Mae glared at Cumber. He smashed his tail against the ground, cracking it. Another beam came from his mouth destroying the area around them.

"No we will fight with you," Vegeta said, holding his shoulder.

"Just go to where Trunks is!" Mae commanded.

"He's right, Mae. We should at least help you," Goku narrowed his eyes at her.

"Damn it, fine do what you want," Mae sighed.

Cooler jumped back, avoiding an energy blast. "Tch, damn monster."

As Cumber unleashed more energy another chain link broke, cracking the sky behind it. It almost looked like glass the way the sky cracked. Fu was still focused on his evil saiyan. Eagerness spread across his face as he watched. He laughed, pulling his legs up onto his chair.

"This is what I've been waiting for!" Fu leaned in closer to the monitor. "This is such an incredible fight! I want to see even more!"

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