Super Saiyan

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Goku dug a tunnel back up to the arena's surface. Toppo's attack had sent him and Mae down into the fighting stage. He jumped up and ran right into Kale and Caulifla. Mae climbed out and dusted herself off, looking at the two saiyans. Kale was on the ground still weakened from her rampage. "Have you come here to take Kale while she's down?" Caulifla glared at Mae.

"No. We were attacked." Mae crossed her arms.

"You are Son Goku right?" Caulifla asked Goku.

"Yep." Goku smiled. "Looks like we've got company." He pointed out the five warriors from universe 11.

"Goku and Mae! We have been sent to eliminate you. We are the Pride Troopers of Universe 11!" The man with a cybernetic eye said. "I am Kahseral!"

"Tupper!" A man with green skin posed.

"Zoiray!" A small blue ram said.

"Cocotte!" A woman with pink skin and hair said.

"Kettol!" A green fish like man said.

They joined together and posed, smoke of different colors exploded behind them. "Oookay." Mae sighed.

"You there!" Kahseral pointed at Kale. "You defeated our friend, Vuon. For that we cannot forgive you."

"You two stay back." Goku said putting his arm up.

"No way!" Caulifla snapped. "You think we are just going to hand over these perfect targets?"

"Isn't she weakened?" Goku asked.

"I don't like him." Kale said shrinking behind Caulifla.

"She isn't so weak that she needs your pity." Caulifla said. "Kale is my precious protégée and she's stronger than you think."

"Big sis." Kale said she seemed surprised by Caulifla's statement.

"If you want to fight then fight." Mae said bringing her hands up. Mae rushed Kahseral as the other four split off. Tupper and Zoiray went for Goku. Kettol ran after Caulifla leaving Cocotte for Kale.

"Seems like a waste to have five Pride Troopers for four foes." Kahseral said as he leaped back from Mae's attack.

18 jumped out from behind him kicking him into a pillar of rubble. "Now it's five against five."

"18! Go help Goku." Mae called out to her.

Kahseral made a blade out of his energy and swiped at 18. Mae jumped in front of him blocking the blow with her own energy. "You let the girl go." He said as 18 ran away.

"Neat trick." Mae grinned looking at his energy blade.

"Time to end this. Justice Bomber!" He cried as a barrage of energy blasts attacked Mae. Mae brought her hands up over her face trying to block the energy. "Now I'll go see how the others are doing." He turned away from where Mae had been.

"Is that all?" Mae said her super saiyan form glowing in the smoke.

"So you changed your hair." He glared bringing another energy blade at her.

"I can do that too." Mae smirked forming her own energy into weapons. She made curved elbow blades and brought her right arm up blocking his blade. "I call these aura blades."

Kahseral jumped back and Mae swiped her blade in front of her sending an energy blast at him. "How?!" He asked as he ran trying to avoid her attacks.

Mae raced forward and kicked him, he flipped over and landed on another pillar. "I've had a good amount of practice." She laughed.

"Kahseral!" Zoiray jumped up next to him. "We lost Tupper."

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