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"That's right Goku, he ended your life with your own fist!" Zamasu laughed.

"You really stole my dad's body?!" Mae yelled at them in shock.

"That's right but I kept my mind. I am the supreme Kai Zamasu!" Black laughed. "After I cut you down I came here to this time line to find someone to aid me. Who better than my own self!"

"Here I wasn't able to do anything. I had all these visions but no way to enact them until he showed up." Zamasu sneered.

"But Lord Beerus destroyed you!" Trunks said astonished.

"Yes but I have this time ring to protect me! In my reality no one stopped me from killing my former master. This is because of you Goku, you challenged me and I knew I needed a body that would become the ultimate war machine." Black placed his hand on his chest as he continued to tell the tale how he knew this future existed because of the box of time rings. After he killed Gowasu in this time line they made Zamasu invincible.

"With my invincibility and the body of the saiyan Goku, we were able to kill every Kai so there would be no gods to stand in our way!" Zamasu laughed maniacally. "Also to make sure no one could reverse what we've done we destroyed the super dragon balls."

"We are finally about to carry out our zero mortals project and turn the universe into the utopia it should be!" Black said as he went super saiyan rosé.

"That's enough! You steal my father's body and then you go out of your way to kill every mortal just for what, bull shit justice?!" Mae yelled furiously as she went super saiyan blue.

Vegeta and Goku followed suit becoming super saiyan blue. Their anger was boiling up inside them as well. "You think so highly of yourselves. You are nothing but evil!" Goku yelled as he launched himself at Zamasu.

Mae and Vegeta flew to attack Black who was sending a barrage of energy at them. Mae landed a kick to his stomach and Vegeta got in a clean punch. Black unfazed and smiling, he counter punched Mae and kicked Vegeta into a nearby building. Trunks flew up and was on Black as he was dealing with Vegeta. Black grabbed Trunks and flung him into Vegeta.

Mae was sent flying down to were Goku and Zamasu were fighting. She went in for an attack however Black was there and he kicked her in the back, smashing her into the ground before she could reach her father. Black placed a foot on her back and kicked her repeatedly. Then he shot an energy beam causing her to cry out in pain.

"Although you saiyans are the worst kind of sinners your bodies are truly grand! This world wasn't the first world to be cleansed however humans are the most vile and that is why they don't deserve a swift destruction. When we finish you saiyans we will destroy this world and then continue on to other worlds." Black laughed as he kicked Mae to where Zamasu had Goku pinned.

"Goku, don't you want to know what happened to your family?" Zamasu asked slyly.

"After I wished for your body I visited your home and killed you." Black said as he sliced an energy blade through Zamasu piercing Goku's side. "Just as I'm doing now. Then I stuck down your wife and child."

"You killed Chi-Chi and Goten?!" Goku asked his anger rising. He grabbed Black's energy blade. "So you decided to steal my body and kill my family and don't think I've forgotten what you did to my daughter! Now I'm really pissed!" He yelled breaking the energy.

Mae eyes widened as she felt her father's energy spiking rapidly. His anger was fueling him and pushing him to a new level. As he raced passed Zamasu to attack Black, Mae used that opening to go after Zamasu. She punched him square in the jaw sending him flying into a building. Instead of getting up to go after Mae he decided to go for Goku. However Goku's speed was too great and he took him down.

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