Come forth Shenron

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"Come on Chi-Chi, let me bring Mae with me!" Goku pleaded. Once again Mae realized that she was dreaming about her father's memory rather than her own.

"Absolutely not! You've already trained with Gohan and they both have school work to do." Chi-Chi snapped back.

"Mae is a fighter like me, she should be training. Just think about how strong she will be!" Goku said excitedly.

"Vegeta already took her away from me." Chi-Chi's expression softened.

"That's why I want to train her." Goku grabbed his wife's shoulders.

"I just want what's best for her and Gohan." Chi-Chi hugged Goku.

"I know but she has so much potential." Goku said. "Let's at least ask her what she wants."

Chi-Chi sighed, "okay fine." She and Goku walked together to Mae's room and opened the door to find her missing. "Mae?" She called.

"She must have snuck out again." Goku said peering out the window.

"She must have gone back to Vegeta's. Goku please go get her back." Chi-Chi started to look angry.

The memory faded and Mae woke up to the warm sun shining on her face. "Damn it, how long am I gonna have these memories." She said draping an arm across her eyes. She never realized growing up that Goku wanted to train her as well. A knock at the door brought her out of her thoughts. When she opened the door she was surprised to see 18 standing there.

"Hey Mae I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me today?" She said tucking a lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

"Oh uhm yea sure let me just get dressed." Mae said quickly. She turned and threw on a T-shirt that had a cat dressed as a sushi roll, some blue jeans, and a black and grey jacket. She grabbed her wallet and phone and slipped them in her pocket. Bulma gave her a phone so she could call people and she also made sure Mae had money whenever she needed it. Bulma liked to refer to it as Mae's "Vegeta fund."

"It's different seeing you in regular clothes." 18 said as she walked out of the bedroom.

"Yea I'm usually doing some sort of training. I guess it'll be good to get out and shop for a change. Maybe I'll get something for Bulma and Vegeta." Mae said walking next to the Android.

"I'm hoping to get something for Krillin but I'm not sure what to get him." She replied as they flew to the shopping mall that was nearby.

"I'm sure you will find the perfect gift for him." Mae smiled at her friend.

When they arrived at the mall it was already busy. They walked around various shops looking at the different items there. "So what are you thinking about getting Bulma and Vegeta?" 18 asked.

"Hmm, maybe a portable tool kit for Bulma and maybe some new gloves for Vegeta? What do you think?" Mae pondered.

"Yea I think that's a good idea!" 18 said as they looked around the mall.

They went into a training store and Mae found a pair of white gloves she thought would be perfect for Vegeta. The finger tips were perfect for gripping and they were light so the user wouldn't have any resistance. She also bought a light, black jacket she could wear during training.

"Hey Mae what do you think of this?" 18 asked walking out of the fitting room wearing a pink track suit.

"I think that looks really good on you!" Mae said after a moment of inspection.

"Great I'll get it then!" 18 said cheerfully as she went to change back into her outfit. "By the way I've been wondering, how come you wear black instead of orange like your father?"

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