Divine judgement

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They all stared in horror at the now fused Zamasu. His power was overwhelming as he used his energy to form a giant halo behind him. "I am the sword and the shield made whole. I am justice incarnate, tremble before me mortals!" Zamasu said raising his arms above his head.

"His power is off the charts!" Gowasu stammered.

"Trunks get Mai and Bulma to safety!" Vegeta yelled.

"Right!" Trunks turned as Bulma put the garage back into a capsule.

"If you think you can escape you are wrong!" Zamasu said sending a blast of energy at them.

Mae, Goku and Vegeta sent energy back to give Trunks time to escape. "Trunks you need to go now!" Mae yelled sustaining her blast.

"That was a good idea, Vegeta. You really do have your moments." Goku smiled to him.

"I don't need your recognition, Kakarot!" Vegeta smirked as their energy pushed past Zamasu and hit him full on.

"If you think that would be enough for me you are mistaken. I am divinity made whole!" Zamasu said pretentiously.

"Damn immortal bastard." Mae scowled.

"Now saiyans, taste my blades of judgement!" Zamasu yelled as red energy blades came crashing at them. They stabbed the earth around them and exploded. They only had enough time to shield themselves before they were hit with the blasts. Zamasu unleashed purple lighting as well, leveling the entire area around them.

"Goku, Vegeta, Mae are you okay?!" The supreme Kais rushed over.

The saiyans pulled themselves from the rubble. "Yea we are fine. Just a little banged up." Mae wiped her mouth as Goku and Vegeta dusted themselves off.

"His power is overwhelming, by merging he gained the indestructible defense of Zamasu and the offensive might of Goku Black." Shin said in awe.

"Not only that but by them fusing, their power rose exponentially. Even by divine standards he's on a whole other level." Gowasu explained.

"Well it doesn't matter we aren't about to give up!" Vegeta snapped.

"That's right we will make him pay for all he's done!" Goku said determinedly.

"You foolish mortals still think you have a chance against me. I have become the universal law, only I can pass judgement. All those who shine before my light will be obliterated. At long last project zero mortals will be complete and a perfect world will rise from the ashes!" Zamasu marveled.

"You will have to get through me first!" Vegeta said flying straight for Zamasu.

"Vegeta wait!" Mae and Goku yelled at the same time.

"Final flash!" Vegeta yelled. Mae and Goku followed the attack sending their own energy.

Zamasu laughed as the energy passed over him. "Let me show you a true testament of my power!" His aura shot up from behind his halo forming a giant angel. "Behold my absolute lighting!"

Purple lighting came pouring from the angel and struck Vegeta and Goku sending them falling to the ground. Mae dodged the lighting and went straight for Zamasu. "I've got you!" She yelled bringing her leg up to attack.

"I am tired of your defiance half-breed! You should know your place!" Zamasu said grabbing her leg.

Mae screamed in pain as she felt the lighting coursing through her. The pain was unbearable and Zamasu threw her to the ground. She landed hard next to where Vegeta had fallen. All three of them had lost their blue forms.

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