I will get stronger!

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Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks, and before Mae knew it six months had passed since Whis had left her and Vegeta in this realm. She had finally learned how to control her energy. Her body began to handle fighting with Vegeta while he was super saiyan blue. Although she herself couldn't reach that level yet.

"You still need to control your emotions." Vegeta said after their training one day.

"I thought rage was a good way to fight," Mae said while stretching.

"It can be a good catalyst however you become sloppy when you are using your emotions to drive you. I noticed this was especially true when you fought with Kakarot." Vegeta crossed his arms. "You need to figure out your emotions towards your father if you want to go further."

Mae sighed, "He's not the easiest person to sit down and talk to."

"Just ask Kakarot to train with you. That fool will listen to you then. He knows how strong you are." Vegeta said.

Just as Mae was going to reply she and Vegeta were pulled out of Whis' dimension and back into the real world.

"Welcome back, I decided to only keep you in there for about twelve hours or so. Shall we go have dinner now?" Whis chuckled.

Mae realized just how hungry she was but first she needed to go see her father. As if Whis had read her mind he said, "Goku is still training out in the field. If you hurry you might be able to catch him."

"Thank you, Whis!" Mae said quickly as she flew off to find her father.

Mae found Goku standing with his eyes closed. He seemed to be doing image training based on the look on his face. Mae crossed her arms and waited for him to finish.

"Hey Mae! Did you get a good training in with Vegeta?" Goku asked before he opened his eyes.

"Yea I did, but I wanted to ask you something," Mae uncrossed her arms and looked up into her fathers' eyes. "I want you to do extra training with me."

"Hmm, are you sure?" Goku rubbed his chin in thought. "We already train together plus you have Whis and Vegeta too."

"No it needs to be you. Please, dad, we can go before our usual training regimen," she hated how weak she felt in that moment.

"Haha okay then. I could always use extra trainin," Goku smiled at his daughter. He was still a little shocked that she was pushing herself as hard as she was.

"Thanks dad. Do you want to go grab dinner?" Mae said smiling back at her father. For the first time in a long time she started to feel comfortable around him.

The next morning Goku was ready and waiting. Mae met him outside where the sun was barely starting to peek over the horizon. He was dressed in his typical orange and blue training outfit and she had on her red and black outfit that Whis had made for her.

"Dad before we start just know that I want to prove to you how much stronger I've gotten!" Mae focused herself trying to keep her energy and emotions in check. Like Vegeta said this would be the best time for her to actually talk to her father.

"Heh heh I already know you're strong," Goku grinned.

"Well I haven't always been. When you left and Vegeta stole me that's when I had to really start working." Mae readied herself. She could feel her anger boiling up inside her.

"Yea but then I came for you. You continued to grow stronger without me." Goku said going in for a punch. "Even when I was dead. You managed to become stronger than I expected."

Mae blocked, "Because you weren't around to train me! I had to sneak away so many times. I would beg Vegeta to train me so that way one day I could beat you. You never took me with you when you took Gohan. You left me behind!" She blinked back tears and went super saiyan.

Dragonball MaeWhere stories live. Discover now