Save Universe Six!

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Xeno Goku brought himself and the others back to Lord Beerus' world. Mae couldn't help shake the feeling that something had happened to Goku. She sighed and stood next to Vegeta.

"I hope everything turns out okay in your world," Xeno Goku said bringing his fingers to his forehead.

"Goku's on it so I'm sure it'll be fine," Trunks replied.

"Right," Xeno Goku nodded. Xeno Mae and Vegeta quickly grabbed onto him before he used instant transmission.

"Tch," Vegeta scoffed. Mae glanced up at her mentor, she could tell he was in a foul mood.

"Hey! Wait! We have an emergency!" The Supreme Kai from universe six came running up.

"Eh?" Mae blinked in surprise.

"What happened?" Vegeta demanded.

The kai paused to catch his breath, "an unknown enemy has invaded universe six and now we are in the midst of a war!"

"What happened to your God of Destruction?" Mae asked with raised eyebrows.

"Well, starting with Lord Champa we've tried contacting all of the Destroyer Gods to tell them to go to Grand Zen-oh's, but we haven't been able to get through!"

Vegeta growled and grabbed the kai by the collar of his shirt. "Y-you wouldn't really treat a kai like this right?" The Supreme Kai stammered.

"I'll take care of those enemies!" Vegeta glared.

"O-okay," the kai replied.

"I'm ready to go on a rampage!" Vegeta snapped.

"I will help too," Mae nodded as Vegeta let the kai go.

"Same here," Trunks narrowed his eyes.

Meanwhile Hit and the three Saiyans; Cabba, Kale, and Caulifla were fighting the new threat. The city was already completely destroyed from the initial attack. The sky had gone dark as the two enemies loomed over head.

Cabba powered up to to super saiyan and flew up at the female fighter, "just what are you?!" He tried to strike her, but she simply laughed and dodged.

She punched him in the jaw, "I'm Kamin and that's my brother Oren. We are Tuffles, I wonder if you saiyans are going to be fun."

"Nah, they seem pretty weak," Oren laughed. "The assassin though, he might put up a better fight."

"Damn you!" Caulifla yelled, her energy shot up to super saiyan two. "Let's teach these guys a lesson Kale!"

"Right, sis!" Kale nodded and powered up to super saiyan.

Hit frowned and flew up to join Cabba. Kamin grinned and began attacking Cabba. As Hit tried to attack she blocked his attacks. She kicked the assassin back and kneed Cabba in the stomach. He coughed blood and she held an energy blast at his stomach.

"How lame," Kamin shook the hair from her eyes as she blasted Cabba to the ground.

"Tch," Cabba dropped his form and struggled to get up.

Hit went after Kamin and caught her in the ribs. She jumped back but her blue eyes shone from a hint of excitement. "See you might be fun, but maybe not. I guess we will have to see."

"Hmph," Hit scowled. Kamin rushed him going for the assault.

Caulifla and Kale continued their assault against Oren. He was faster than they expected, he kept a sly grin on his face as he blocked and attacked. They both reached out to punch him but he grabbed their fists. "Is that it? This just isn't doing it for me."

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