The Zen Exhibition Match

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Goku and Mae approached Vegeta, they knew the saiyan prince would be the best addition for their team. Goku and Mae decided to hold off on telling everyone about the consequences if they lose the tournament. They wanted to get this exhibition match out of the way before having everyone worry about the fate of the universe.

"I told you I'm not leaving Bulma." Vegeta scowled.

"Please Vegeta! We need you to enter, it's only for a little while!" Mae pleaded.

"I told you no!" Vegeta snapped.

"Come on Vegeta with out you, who else could we ask?" Goku added.

A sudden noise caught the saiyans attention, looking over they saw Trunks and Goten sparing together. Mae smiled as she watched the boys fight. Noticing Mae and Goku, Goten stopped to wave. Trunks saw the opening and went in for a kick, bringing Goten down. Mae stifled a chuckle.

"Why don't you go ask your son, Kakarot." Vegeta said bringing Mae's attention back to him.

"I don't know. We don't know what kind of people will be there, Goten might not be ready. Oh! Wait my son!" Goku said just now realizing.

"Gohan!" Mae nodded in agreement.

"Thanks Vegeta!" Goku said as he and Mae took off for Gohan's place. When they arrived, Gohan was heading inside after a day of hard work. "Gohan!" Goku called.

"Hey Dad, Mae, what's up?" Gohan waved to them.

"We need you to enter a tournament!" Mae said suddenly.

"A tournament? I don't know... I don't fight anymore." Gohan stammered.

"You've been training with Piccolo and we need another fighter for this exhibition match." Mae explained.

"Why do you sound so urgent? There's something you aren't mentioning, isn't there." Gohan said he could always tell when his sister was hiding something.

"Well it's like this." Goku said as he proceeded to explain about the Tournament of Power and how the losing universes would be erased.

"E-erased?! How could you let this happen?!" Gohan chastised the saiyans.

"Well, we didn't expect Zeni to erase the losers." Mae said looking down.

"Well I can see why you kept this a secret. If it got out everyone in the universe would panic. We need to keep this between us three." Gohan said placing his hand on his chin.

"So what do you say, will you enter?" Goku asked.

"Gohan?" Videl stepped outside to find her husband. "Oh hello Goku and Mae! What brings you here?"

"We wanted to see if Gohan would enter a tournament with us." Mae said.

"Yea but he won't enter," Goku said solemnly.

"You should help your family, Gohan." Videl smiled at them.

"Fine. I suppose I'll enter, I have something I want to protect." Gohan sighed looking at his family.

"Great! Now we have three people!" Goku cheered.

"I'm excited!" Mae grinned.

Later when they were ready to go Shin brought them to Grand Zen-Oh's palace. Lord Beerus warned them, particularly Mae and Goku, to be on their best behavior. He was still grumpy at the saiyans for their foolishness. The Grand Priest brought them inside where they met the warriors from universe nine. They were men who looked like wolves. Once they were all together they went into the throne room to await Grand Zen-Oh. They all kneeled and shortly after, they sunk into the floor and fell onto their perspective stands.

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