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Mae and Goku sped to see Master Roshi, he was the last one they needed to join their team. Goku informed Mae that he knew Piccolo would join. "How do you know for sure?" Mae asked him.

"Cause I already asked him. I saw him earlier and told him everything. He said he would get Gohan back to his original strength too." Goku explained.

"Wow, do you think he can manage that? Gohan has been out of practice for a while. Even I noticed he should have faired better against Lavender." Mae said, as much as she loved her brother she knew he wasn't the same fighter he used to be. "To be honest, Gohan has me the most worried."

"Well I gave Piccolo the last two senzu beans so I'm sure he's going to put Gohan through some serious training. If anyone can get him back it's Piccolo." Goku said. He wasn't worried about his son in the least.

"Hmm yea you are right." Mae said thinking about her own mentor. She knew Vegeta was going to kill her when he learned the truth about the Tournament.

When they arrived at Kame House they found that Master Roshi wasn't there. "He went to Tien's dojo." Oolong told them.

"Wow Tien has a dojo?" Mae asked in surprise.

"Yea he has a lot of student too from what I hear." Oolong continued. "Master Roshi is there as an honorary master."

"In the short time we haven't see Tien he became a master. That's quite impressive." Goku said. "Well I guess we better head there then."

"Mhmm." Mae nodded in agreement. Oolong told them where the dojo was and they set off immediately.

"Hey Tien!" Goku said as he and Mae landed in front of the monk.

"So these are your students." Mae said taking a look at the men. Their heads were shaved and they were wearing green gis.

"Hello Goku and Mae!" Tien said then he turned to his students, "Okay that's all for today."

Goku and Mae watched as the students exited the area. "You really have a lot of students." Goku said.

"While I was training here people started to gather and I couldn't turn them away." Tien explained.

"Well good for you Tien!" Mae said excitedly. "Good to see you still training."

"Haha thanks Mae." Tien smiled at her. "So what brings you two here?"

"We are actually looking for Master Roshi." Goku said.

"Ahh. Well currently he is training a new student. If you want we can have some tea while we wait." Tien said leading them into a room.

"Thank you," Mae said as she sat down taking the cup from him.

"Are you going to have Master Roshi train you?" Tien asked handing Goku a cup as well.

"Well the thing is that there is a tournament coming up and we need one more person for our team." Mae said.

"We figured since Master Roshi has experience with tactics and tricks he would make a good addition." Goku added.

"Ahh I see that makes sense." Tien nodded. "What sort of tournament is it?"

"It's a tournament with ten people from eight different universes." Goku said.

"So kinda like that one you did with universe six?" He asked.

"Kinda, only this one is a battle royal." Mae said.

"Wow so eighty people all in one ring." Tien pondered.

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