The Prophecy

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King Zain walked into the dungeon. The cell door creaked open as he went to see his prisoner. "So you were a member of the Frieza Force."

The prisoner looked into the dark but he could only see the man's silhouette. "Y-Yes I was before Frieza killed everyone. I-I managed to escape."

"Tell me what you know about the saiyans." King Zain commanded.

"I don't know much." The prisoner said.

"Where are the survivors from Planet Vegeta's destruction?" The king asked.

"I know two saiyans took up residence on earth. That's where Frieza took us all. He wanted revenge on the one named Goku." The prisoner explained.

"Who is the other saiyan?" The king asked.

"P-Prince Vegeta." The prisoner said.

"So the prince survived. Tell me, were there a pair of half saiyan twins?" King Zain asked.

"I don't know if they were twins but there were two half-breeds. One male and one female, they seemed about the same age. Frieza particularly hated the female." The prisoner said.

"Excellent thank you for your honesty." Zain said as he opened the cell door.

"Will you let me go now?" The prisoner asked.

"Not quite." Zain said as he closed the door leaving the prisoner in the dark.

"Your Majesty we have the teleportation device ready. Did he tell you where the saiyans are?" A tall man with brown hair came walking up.

"Thank you Aric. Yes he was most helpful." King Zain said running a hand through his hair. "They are on a planet called earth."

"Excellent. We will have the coordinates put in right away." Aric said as he turned away.

"Once you are finished meet me in the throne room." The king commanded.

"Yes sire." Aric bowed and quickly walked away.

Shortly after, Aric came to the throne room and saw the king sitting on his throne inspecting a dagger with a purple blade. "Aric is everything ready?"

"Yes sire." Aric bowed.

"Read the prophecy to me again." The king said turning the blade in the light.

Aric pulled out a scrap of paper and began to read, "A pair of half saiyan twins will be born. The male chooses his other half while the female walks the path of the saiyan. As she grows so too does her darkness. With the dagger her darkness will be given new life. The one who holds the dagger controls the saiyan. When the twins meet in battle one will give their life and when the blood touches the earth they both shall lose."

"Yes I have a strong feeling we will find her on earth." King Zain grinned. "Let us depart."

On earth while Mae was waiting for Goku and Vegeta she was talking with Jiren. She held the communicator watching his picture in the circle. "I'm going to train with Whis and Lord Beerus for a while." She said.

"I suppose that means I won't be seeing you for a bit." Jiren smirked.

"I suppose not. Maybe I'll be stronger than you when I'm done." Mae grinned.

"Ha you can try." Jiren laughed. "Alright I'll let you go then. Have fun training."

"Thanks I'll see you when I see you. I love you." Mae said blowing him a kiss.

"I love you too." Jiren said as he hung up.

Mae pocketed the communicator and walked over to where Whis and Beerus were enjoying a meal. Vegeta was leaning up against the wall while Goku was begging Beerus to hurry.

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