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Mae tugged on her boots, ready to go to universe eleven, when a knock on her door caught her attention. She pocketed her buttons and opened it to find Goten and Trunks staring up at her, eagerly. Both of them were wearing their training gis.

"Hey Trunks, Goten, what's up?" Mae asked letting them inside.

The boys looked at each other before Goten spoke up, "will you train us?"

"Dad and Goku are off training with Lord Beerus and mom won't let us use the gravity room," Trunks explained. "Since you have one we were wondering if we could use it."

"Normally I would, but I'm about to go meet Jiren in universe eleven," Mae said folding her hands over her chest. The boys began to pout causing her to sigh. "Wanna come with?"

"Can we go on an adventure?" Goten asked.

"Sure." Mae shrugged. "I'm sure Jiren can find us something to do."

"Okay!" Trunks and Goten jumped up excitedly. They grabbed onto Mae and she pressed her button.

When they arrived in Jiren's room he came out of one of the side rooms. He looked from Mae to the boys and back to her. "I see you brought guests." Jiren chuckled.

"They wanted to go on an adventure," Mae said shrugging. Goten and Trunks ran to the window to look out at the city below them.

"An adventure?" Jiren asked skeptically.

"Yep." Mae nodded. "Do you have any missions we can take them on?"

"I don't but maybe Kahseral does." Jiren shook his head. He seemed almost aware of the trouble the boys would cause.

"Cool," Mae said turning around. "Goten, Trunks come on!"

"Okay!" The nodded running up to her.

Jiren led them down the hall into the Pride Trooper meeting area where Kahseral was sitting at a table working on some papers. He jumped up when he saw them walking up. "Hello Jiren, Mae, and children. What can I do for you?" Kahseral asked bowing slightly in respect.

"Woah! You have a robot eye!" Trunks said excitedly.

"That's so cool!" Goten chimed in. They quieted down when Mae shot them a look.

"Sorry about my brother and his friend," Mae said slightly annoyed.

"It's fine. Children are a wonder," Kahseral said giving them soft smiles.

"We were wondering if you have any jobs available," Jiren said cutting to the point.

"Yea, I have one that you can have. It is probably beneath you considering your power'" Kahseral said handing Jiren a paper.

He skimmed it before handing it to Mae.
"Wanted for the murder of Queen Ryta from planet Gred. Suspect name: Trife. Last seen: Planet Fretu. Should be considered dangerous and frequently travels with associates. Higher power levels recommended."

"Think this will be good for the boys?" Jiren asked.

"Maybe." Mae rubbed her chin. "Why don't we check it out first before sending them out into the field."

"Wow you are actually being responsible," Jiren said surprised.

"If they die here I'm sure my mom and Bulma will kill both of us," Mae said handing the paper back to him.

"We wanna fight!" Trunks said narrowing his eyes.

"Yea!" Goten said eagerly.

Mae looked at Jiren. "Fine you can fight. But if things get out of hand Jiren and I will step in." Mae frowned down at them.

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