Frieza's Wish

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Mae blocked an attack from Vegeta while she kicked at Goku. He went flying back and almost landed in the water below. She smirked as she countered against Vegeta sending him down to Goku. As they collided water splashed up from the force of their fists connecting.

As they took off flying Bulma and Whis relaxed enjoying some sweets. "This resort is so nice!" Whis said still blushing from how delicious the food was.

"We had this abandoned island turned into a resort so Mae, Goku, and Vegeta could train without destroying the city." Bulma said blowing kisses at Bulla. "Here they can go all out."

Mae and Goku collided causing a loud bang and more water flew up. "Can you fight quieter!" Beerus yelled at the saiyans. "I'm trying to nap!"

After that they decided to take a break. Goku went straight to eating sweets while Mae stretched her body and Vegeta went to get the both of them some water. "So Mae where is your husband?" Whis asked.

"He's been in universe eleven for about a week now." Mae said bringing her arm across her chest. "He should be back tonight though."

"Is everything okay with you two?" Bulma asked almost concerned.

"Yea he's just been doing a lot of work." Mae shrugged.

"Oh okay." Bulma laughed. "So how are you enjoying your new home?"

"It's really nice. The gravity room is amazing too!" Mae said excited.

"You gave her a gravity room?!" Goku almost stood up.

"Yea hers goes up to 600x normal gravity too." Bulma winked.

"Seriously?!" Goku grinned. "I gotta try it out sometime!"

"Goku, why do you continue to train?" Whis asked just as Vegeta came back. He handed a bottle of water to Mae and she gave a silent nod of thanks.

"I've been thinking a lot since the Tournament of Power, also the Drae incident. There are so many people and powers out there that are stronger than us. Just thinking about it gets me fired up!" Goku narrowed his eyes in determination.

"Are you hoping to become a destroyer god?" Whis asked.

"Nah that's not for me." Goku waved his hand before Beerus could get mad.

"What about you Mae?" Whis turned to her.

"Well I still wanna be stronger than dad and Vegeta. Plus, being married to Jiren has given me a new push to be stronger." Mae said putting a hand on her hip.

"And do you want to be a destroyer?" Whis asked giving Beerus a look.

"Lord Belmod asked the same thing but," Mae started before Beerus interrupted.

"Is that bastard trying to recruit you?! You belong to universe seven I don't care if you and Jiren are married!" Beerus yelled at her.

"Calm down I don't wanna be a destroyer!" Mae rolled her eyes at the god.

Whis let out a chuckle. "Why do you seek higher strength, Vegeta?"

"Because of Frieza." Vegeta frowned. "Kakarot decided to bring him back and now he could be out there getting stronger."

"Do you really think he would come and attack us?" Goku tilted his head. "I mean we are the reason he's alive."

"You dumbass!" Vegeta snapped. "You really think Frieza cares about that?! Think about how strong he was last time he came to earth. Next time he could be even stronger!"

"You think so?" Goku asked.

"Of course!" Vegeta crossed his arms. "Who knows what he's up to."

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