Power of Trust

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"He's unbelievable!" Beerus grinned. "That truly is the complete Ultra Instinct!"

Mae's jaw dropped as she stared at her father. His silver hair and aura were simply beautiful. "This is, this is incredible!" His speed was amazing she didn't even see him attack Jiren. All she saw was a silver blur before he was tossed to the side.

Jiren sat on the ground staring at the saiyan. "This is where the real fight starts." Goku said turning to face him.

"How will Goku fair against Jiren at full power?" The Kai from universe one wondered. "Will his ultra instinct be enough? Not to mention the fact that the saiyan Mae still hasn't fallen. Even though she is out of stamina, will she be able to help? This fight is definitely going to be interesting."

Goku rushed forward brushing passed Jiren. He didn't have time to dodge as Goku crashed into the rubble behind him.

"Damn it." Jiren gritted his teeth as he wiped the blood off his cheek where Goku scratched him.

"His speed is amazing!" Shin said. "I'm sure that Goku can win!"

"Tch," Belmod looked down. "Jiren is the one who will win this."

"Don't get cocky just because you've powered up." Jiren said standing up. He ran forward and started to attack. Goku brought his arm up and blocked. As Jiren went in for another attack Goku ducked back and dodged every blow. When he saw an opening he kicked Jiren sending him flying backwards. Jiren formed a huge energy ball in front of him and sent it at Goku.

Goku held out his hand and formed a small ball of energy. As Jiren's attack came down at him he pointed the energy cutting through. The blast went off leaving him surrounded by bright blue flames. Mae covered her face as wind and debris went shooting passed her. "Amazing." She breathed out.

"He canceled it out?" Jiren asked surprised as Goku glared up at him.

Jiren jumped down and continued to attack Goku who quickly started to push back. Mae couldn't take her eyes off them as they fought. Jiren sent energy blasts at Goku who ran around dodging them until he got in close and punched Jiren in the stomach, sending him flying back against a wall. Jiren was starting to become winded from Goku's power.

"How is he being overwhelmed?!" Belmod asked.

"I won't lose." Jiren said stepping forward. "I can't lose! Strength is justice. Strength is absolute. Without victory everything is meaningless. If I'm defeated here then I lose everything. I won't go through that loss again!" He yelled as he powered up even more his uniform tearing in the process.

"It seems being backed in a corner by Kakarot made him remember past trauma." Vegeta pointed out.

"It's awakened his hidden power." Gohan said in awe.

"Jiren." Mae said softly.

"No matter what I will not lose!" Jiren said as he went for another attack.

As they watched them 17 turned to Mae. "You like him don't you?"

"Who?" Mae asked as Jiren knocked Goku to the ground. Goku quickly got back up and dodged the energy blasts that were coming for him.

"Jiren. I saw you flirting with him earlier. Also the way you look at him." 17 smirked.

Mae went red in the face, "What no! He's just interesting!"

"Uh huh." 17 said in disbelief.

"Just shut up and find some cover unless you wanna blow yourself up for real." Mae brushed her hair back.

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