Prince Vegeta

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"I'm enough to knock you off!" Vegeta said confidently.

"Hmph," Jiren snorted as he stepped forward. Mae was kneeling in front of him, struggling to get up. After two strides, he was in front of her. "Why do you continue to struggle? I don't understand, your eyes are so cold yet you continue to care." He said staring down at her.

Mae paused and sat back on her heels, looking up at Jiren. "I struggle because I have to. How can I face Gohan or Vegeta knowing I gave up."

"It's futile to continue." He said flatly.

"Maybe but that doesn't mean I get to stop trying." Mae said, she didn't dare break eye contact.

Jiren looked at her for a moment before he reached down and grabbed her hair, lifting her up. "Your efforts are meaningless. I told you earlier you would pay for your arrogance." Swiftly he punched her in the stomach and tossed her to where Goku was laying.

Mae clutched her stomach as she laid on her back. Her vision blurred as she rolled over and tried to get up. She barely lifted up on her forearms when she found she couldn't find the strength. "D-Damn it." She swore under her breath.

"Mae," Vegeta turned his head to her. "Stay down. I will finish this."

"No matter how many weaklings gather, it's pointless against absolute strength." Jiren said. "Your companion's sacrifice was ridiculous."

"That's enough!" Vegeta yelled. "I am Prince Vegeta and I will defeat you, Jiren!"

"You can't win." Jiren said.

"Your confidence pisses me off." Vegeta growled as he tried to power up. A yellow glow surrounded for a moment before breaking.

"No transformation?" Jiren asked mockingly.

"I can beat you in this form." Vegeta said as he ran forward to attack.

"Vegeta don't." Mae whispered trying to get up. "I have to help him."

"Mae you can't help." Goku said. He too lacked the strength to move.

Vegeta punched at Jiren who side stepped and dodged his attack. When Vegeta's attack connected there wasn't any power behind it and Jiren blocked it with ease. "This is pathetic. Why don't you just throw yourself off." Jiren said as he dodged another punch.

"I won't." Vegeta said as Jiren punched him sending him flying off the arena. He grabbed on to a piece of rubble and pulled himself up. 'Never forget your saiyan pride.' He remembered saying these words to Mae and Cabba. 'You are a saiyan, Mae. You have the blood of a mighty warrior race flowing through you. You never give up do you hear me?' It had been so long since he said that to her. 'Once I win, I'm going to bring you back. Then you can keep your promise to me. Your promise to take me to Planet Sadala.' He remembered telling Cabba his wish. 'I have to keep my promise to Cabba. I can't let Bulma, Trunks, Bulla, and Mae down.' He thought as he stood up and faced Jiren. "Universe seven will win!" Vegeta said with determination in his eyes. "Never underestimate a saiyan! A punch like that is nothing to me!"

Vegeta pushed off the floating rock and flew right at Jiren. He swiped at Jiren who dodged before punching Vegeta to the ground. Quickly Vegeta turned and jumped back up and continued to fight. Jiren blocked Vegeta'a attacks before going in for his own. Each punch hit Vegeta hard as he couldn't even block the powerful blows. Every bone in his body felt like it was going to break. Finally, Vegeta dropped to his knees and Jiren said, "you can not win."

Vegeta let out a laugh, "it doesn't matter if I can't win as long as Universe seven wins." In a last ditch effort Vegeta grabbed on to Jiren's arm. "I'll be taking you with me!"

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