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It had been nine months since Mae and the twins entered the time chamber. Over that time she really pushed them trying to bring out their hidden potential. One day after a particularly rough training, Chi and Gicchin sat together.

"That woman really isn't our mother," Chi said with anger in her voice. She was beginning to hate Mae.

"Well she is from a different time line," Gicchin shrugged.

"Our Mom is a hero. This version of her is a proud, arrogant, ass!" Chi snapped. "She's worse than Vegeta!"

"I wouldn't go that far," Gicchin said. "She's just trying to help us."

"Is she?" Chi glared at her brother. "It seems like she just enjoys beating us up!"

"Probably," Gicchin laughed. "But I don't know. I've started to notice a difference. Haven't you?"

"Of course you would," Chi huffed. "You are a saiyan just like her. I'm not a saiyan!"

"Mom seems to think you are," Gicchin countered.

"Tch, I wish I stayed with dad," Chi pouted. "At least I might actually learn something."

"Maybe you just don't want to learn from her," Gicchin leaned back bringing his arms over his head.

"So what?" Chi scoffed. "It's not like she has anything worthwhile to teach."

"You are being dramatic," Gicchin rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," Chi said under her breath. "You know I don't understand how dad managed to be with her. She's so arrogant!"

"They won the tournament of power in this time line right?" Gicchin pondered. "Maybe that has something to do with it?"

"Who knows," Chi crossed her arms. "There's just no way our dad could be with someone so proud and well..."

"Arrogant?" Gicchin finished for her.

"Yes!" Chi was becoming more flustered.

"You know you have grown stronger," Gicchin said. "At least I've noticed you have."

"Barely," Chi sighed. "You are the only one who seems to be progressing. You almost have blue mastered."

"True," Gicchin nodded. "But you have grown as well."

"Tch, I still don't like that woman," Chi shook her head.

"You don't have to like me," Mae said stepping out from behind them.

"Ah! Mom how long were you listening?" Gicchin stammered.

"I pretty much heard the whole thing," Mae crossed her arms. "I don't care if you don't like me. I'm here to train you, not be friends with you."

Chi stood up and got in her face. "This is what I'm talking about. You are just an arrogant ass."

"You are just as arrogant as I am," Mae said not backing down. Chi might be taller than Mae but she wasn't intimidated whatsoever.

"I am not arrogant!" Chi snapped letting her energy flare out.

"Prove it," Mae said bringing her hands up. She kicked at Chi who dodged the attack. "You think you are better than everyone else. You think that just because you have power that you don't need to learn new things." Chi punched at Mae who grabbed her arm. "Get real kid." She said as she punched Chi in the stomach.

"What do you know!" Chi yelled jumping back. "I am a hero of justice! You fight just for fun!"

"You're not wrong there," Mae said back flipping over Chi. "I fight because I enjoy it and want to push myself. I don't need empty titles like hero."

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