Wake up Buu!

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Goku and the twins made their way back to Capsule Corp. Master Roshi decided to go do some special training to try and rid himself of his lustful behavior. When they arrived Mae looked around for Vegeta who was nowhere to be found. "Hey Whis, where is Vegeta?" She asked.

"He went to the lookout to train." Whis replied taking a sip of his drink. He and Beerus still seemed to be enjoying as much food as they could.

"He went without us?!" Goku asked.

"Damn I was hoping to be able to train with him." Mae sat on the floor crossing her legs.

"I know! Hey Whis will you train me?" Goku asked.

"I don't see why not." Whis agreed.

"I wanna come too!" Mae interjected.

"Actually Mae I was hoping to get your help." Gohan said, the supreme Kai was standing with him.

"Fine, only for you Gohan." Mae sighed as she stood up and walked into the office with Shin and Gohan. They looked at the white board where they had pinned pictures of all the fighters.

"So we should try and form a plan." Shin started.

"I think it would be best if we try and stay in the middle." Gohan said drawing a picture on the board. "What do you think Mae?"

"Every universe is probably going to be doing that." She said almost bored.

"That's true. It'll make that area the most dangerous." Shin said putting his hand on his chin.

"Well with all of us here I'm sure we can handle it." Gohan said.

"You know dad and Vegeta are going to bail like instantly, right?" Mae said.

"Are you sure?" Shin asked.

"Yea because that's what I would do." Mae said flatly.

"Wait what?" Shin asked in surprise.

"Yea I figured you, Vegeta, and dad would be the first ones to leave." Gohan nodded. "Still that leaves us with seven people here."

"Gohan I don't know how much help I will be coming up with a strategy." Mae said. "You and I both know half the time I don't have a plan when I fight."

"That's true." Gohan said. "I just wanted your opinion." He chuckled.

"Well then I'll try and see what I can do." Mae said. Not long after they started to form a plan. They would try and help each other when they could and try and stay in pairs or more.

Shortly after Goku came out of the gravity chamber with Whis. "That was a good workout!" Goku said sitting down, still sweaty.

"Lucky," Mae muttered under her breath. They didn't have much longer to wait for the Tournament but she was itching to get a training session in.

"Goku!" Bulma said coming into the room. "Mr. Satan called, he told me that Buu can't enter the tournament. Apparently he's fallen asleep and won't wake."

"What?!" Goku and Mae jumped up together. "Mae go make that chocolate of yours!" Goku said.

"Fine but you'll need to help me." Mae said as she and Goku rushed to the kitchen. Ten minutes later they had a box of her special chocolates made and they were on their way to Buu's.

When they arrived they saw Buu happily sleeping. He was no longer slim and fit. "I've tried everything to wake him." Mr. Satan said, there were an assortment of snacks and loud objects littered around him.

"Mae brought some chocolates, maybe that will wake him!" Goku said holding up the box.

"You could try but usually once he's this asleep he will be out for two month." Mr. Satan crossed his arms. "Can't you just find another fighter? It's just a tournament right?"

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