Spirit Bomb

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"Gohan, did that bastard hurt you?" Mae asked as Frieza walked away.

"No. This is from a different fight." Gohan said. "I fought that Yardrat from universe two. Frieza ended up taking him out."

"Oh I see. You have quite a bit of damage on you." Mae said as she and her brother stood up.

"You look like you've been busy too." He looked down at her torn shirt and pants.

"Yea sorry." Mae laughed. "The new outfit you got me is ruined."

"Ehh I figured it would. You tend to fight recklessly." Gohan teased.

"Oh like you're one to talk!" Mae lightly punched his shoulder.

"So you get to fight Jiren yet?" Gohan asked.

"Huh? No I haven't. The one chance I had Toppo attacked dad and I. Since then I've had my hands full with other people." Mae shrugged.

"I saw him earlier. He seems insanely strong." Gohan said.

"Yea he is. That's why I wanna fight him. Before this tournament is done I'll fight him and I'll show everyone just how strong I am." Mae said, there was a spark in her eye.

"You really are like our dad." Gohan laughed. "Alright let's do this!" He held his fist out to her.

Mae gave him a fist bump and grinned. "Think you can handle yourself?"

"I've survived this long right?" Gohan grinned back at her.

"That's true." Mae said before she could say anymore she suddenly felt an enormous power moving. "Jiren."

"I think he's about to fight. Go quick!" Gohan urged and Mae nodded and took off.

She ran straight for Jiren. She could also feel her father's energy. They were about to have a fight. Now would be a good time to see just how Jiren fights. She made it just in time to see Goku stepping up to Jiren. He was still in his base form but he had a look of determination. She stood on a pillar above them and watched.

"There!" Ribrianne sent an energy beam at Mae. She sensed the attack and deflected it back at her.

"Mae?" Goku asked looking up at his daughter.

"Well I guess my cover is blown." Mae sighed.

"Are you going to fight?" Jiren asked her.

"Nah. I'd rather take you on myself." Mae put her hands on her hips.

'Jiren,' Belmod's voice sounded in his head. 'Take out Goku, while she is reeling at her father's defeat strike Mae. Her emotions guide her when she fights. We can use this to our advantage.'

'Understood.' Jiren replied back to the destroyer. He had been watching Goku and Mae fighting. They seemed to be at a level higher than anyone else.

Goku glanced at his daughter giving her a nod before turning his attention to back on Jiren. He knew that she wanted this opportunity to see how he fought. "I hope you are ready, Jiren." Goku said stepping into his fighting stance.

Jiren glared at Goku and the force had both him and Mae blocking the wind. Mae was certain everyone in the World of Void could feel Jiren's force. Goku powered up and sent a Kamehameha at Jiren. He didn't even move as the energy blast went around him. "Amazing! His energy is creating a wall!" Mae gasped.

"Rah!" Goku yelled as he powered up to super saiyan. He launched himself at Jiren. He sent many punches at him and still Jiren didn't make any move. Again Goku powered up, super saiyan two. Still it wasn't enough to make Jiren move.

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