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Mae walked away from the assassin, she knew that she probably wouldn't get another chance to fight him. At least not during the tournament. She guessed that the tournament was about half way over and less than half of the fighters were left. She figured now would be a good time to go off and find Vegeta. She ran off keeping her eyes open until she collided straight into another fighter.

"Ow damn it." Mae rubbed her head as she got back up.

"Mae watch where you are going!" Cabba said as he too rubbed his forehead.

"Maybe next time don't be in my way!" Mae snapped.

"You were the one who ran into me!" Cabba retorted.

"What are you even doing here?" Mae said crossing her arms. "Shouldn't you be with those saiyan girls."

"Caulifla and Kale can take care of themselves." Cabba said.

"What about you?" Mae smirked.

"You think I can't take care of myself?" Cabba was taken aback.

"I don't know. Can you?" Mae narrowed her eyes and grinned even more.

"I've made it this far! Also I'll have you know that I'm one of the strongest saiyans in my universe!" Cabba snapped.

Mae shrugged, "if you say so. Now I've got to go find someone to fight."

"Fight me!" Cabba said positioning himself, he had the same fighting stance as Vegeta and it pissed Mae off.

Mae frowned, "fine you really wanna fight me."

"We've never fought before and we are both Master Vegeta's students!" Cabba said eagerly.

"Shut up." Mae muttered as she lunged forward punching Cabba in the face.

"Ah!" Cabba jumped back narrowly dodging her attack. He then countered pushing forward trying to get under her. Mae blocked his attack and swept her legs kicking Cabba to the ground. She pinned him down and before she punched him again he asked, "why do you hate me?"

Mae blinked in confusion, "I don't hate you."

Cabba used that moment to drive his knee up and into her stomach. Mae recoiled back and he went super saiyan. "I've mastered this form now."

"What do you want a medal?" Mae said wiping the spit from the corner of her mouth. "My kid brother has mastered super saiyan." Mae powered up to super saiyan as well.

"You do realize that super saiyan is a new thing for us right?" Cabba said as he rushed her again.

Mae blocked and kicked, "I do, I just don't care."

"Did Master Vegeta teach you super saiyan?" Cabba asked her.

"What's it to you." Mae growled as she jumped back sending energy blasts.

Cabba ran, "I'm just wondering. How long has Master Vegeta been teaching you?" He asked as he sent his own energy blasts.

"Stop asking me so many damn questions!" Mae said powering up to super saiyan two.

"That form!" Cabba stopped. "Caulifla used it earlier."

"Yea it's super saiyan two." Mae said flatly.

"Will you teach me?" Cabba asked.

"No! Go ask Caulifla!" Mae snapped.

"You taught Caulifla!" Cabba complained.

"I'm not your damn teacher. Now fight!" Mae roared before she launched another attack. They became streaks of gold as they flew and attacked each other.

Dragonball MaeWhere stories live. Discover now