Pride Troopers

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Vegeta ducked as Mae brought her leg up trying to strike him. He went under and punched her in the stomach sending her flying back. She bounced and flipped over before rushing in for another attack. "You are being too predictable." Vegeta said as he blocked her punch. He went again to strike her only this time she grabbed his fist and swung him around tossing him to the other side of the gravity room.

"Am I really?" She smirked.

"Don't get cocky." Vegeta said wiping his mouth.

"Let's go, Vegeta." Mae grinned bringing her hands up. He lunged forward and she jumped back dodging his attacks. She tried to sweep his legs out but he saw it coming and jumped over her kicking her in the back. "Damn it." She swore as she hit the ground. "Let's try this!" She yelled powering up to super saiyan.

"Heh, fine with me." Vegeta grinned powering up as well.

As she flew forward her pocket started beeping. "What the?" She asked as she looked down at herself.

"Don't lose focus!" Vegeta snapped as he punched her in the face.

"Just hang on." She said when she hit the ground again. She pulled out the circle communicator and turned it on. "Yea?" She asked as a picture of Jiren appeared.

"Hey," He said. "You are bleeding."

"Ah," she quickly wiped her mouth. "What's up?"

"If you think I'm gonna let you sit there and chat you are mistaken!" Vegeta said as he rushed forward. With one hand she held the communicator and the other she blocked Vegeta's attacks.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to train with me." Jiren said as he watched her block another punch.

Mae stopped and again Vegeta took advantage of that punching her back. "Ow! Really Vegeta?! Yea I'd love to. Let me just change real quick."

"Great see you soon." Jiren smiled as he hung up.

"So you are going to train with him now?" Vegeta asked dropping his form.

"Yea." Mae said getting up. "Who knows maybe I'll end up stronger than you."

"Hah! I don't think so." Vegeta laughed as he exited the room.

"Hey wait!" Mae called as she ran after him. "Thanks for training me today."

"Hmph," Vegeta turned away with a smile on his face. "Have fun with Jiren."

"I will!" Mae grinned as she ran to her room. She quickly took a shower and put on new clothes. She pulled on a grey sports bra and black tank top with black sweat pants. She put on a thin grey jacket over her and zipped it half way. "Oh I should stop by Korin's and get a senzu bean." She made sure she had her communicator and her buttons and headed out.

She powered up to super saiyan and sped off to Korin tower. When she arrived she was greeted by Yajirobe. "Hey Mae what brings you here?"

"I was wondering if you got any senzu beans." Mae said standing on the railing.

"Let me check." Yajirobe walked to a jar and reached in. "I only got one left."

"Perfect!" Mae said as he tossed her the bean. She quickly put it in her pocket and pulled out the red and black button.

"You aren't gonna stay?" Yajirobe asked.

"Nope. Gotta go, thanks for the bean!" She said as she pressed the button bringing her instantly to universe eleven.

"Mae!" Jiren said as she arrived.

She looked around and found she was in a bedroom. "Is this your room?"

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