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Mae rolled over and reached for Jiren. When she felt the bed was empty she opened her eyes and sat up. She looked around the empty room and saw he wasn't there. She noticed a note left on the night stand. 'I went to take care of some things. Stay in bed. I'll be back soon -Jiren.' Mae rolled her eyes and got up. She looked down at her torn clothes and remembered what happened. "I should have packed a bag." She took off her tank top and pants and looked in Jiren's closet. She found a sweater hanging up. She pulled it over her head and it went down passed her knees. "I wonder if he has any food." She said rolling up her sleeves.

Mae opened the fridge and peered inside. She pulled out what appeared to be eggs, some sort of vegetable and meat. She sniffed them all before dicing them up, making a sort of omelet. "Spices." She said opening a cupboard. She found a couple different spices and sniffed them before adding them. Based on the smell of her food she figured it was turning out good. She flipped it over and when it appeared to be done she took it out the pan and put it on a plate.

As she was walking out of the kitchen area the door opened and Jiren walked in. "Mae I'm back." He said placing a bag on the ground. "What are you doing out of bed?"

"I was hungry." Mae said taking a bite out of her omelette. "Yum this turned out better than I thought!"

"What did you even make?" Jiren asked looking at her plate.

"An omelette, here try it." She said offering it.

"Fine." Jiren sighed as he took a bite. "Okay this is good."

"Thanks!" Mae said sitting down.

"You should have waited for me to get back. I would have made you something." Jiren said sitting next to her.

"I'm perfectly capable of making my own food." Mae said eating the rest of the omelette.

"You were injured the other day." Jiren reminded her.

"Yea? I turned out okay though." Mae said leaning back against the chair.

"You need to rest." Jiren said picking up the plate.

"What I need to do is train." She said stretching.

"You can be so reckless you know that?" Jiren said becoming more frustrated.

"I don't see what your problem is." Mae snapped back.

"You almost died the other day." Jiren said crossing his arms.

"Don't be dramatic. I had a senzu bean." Mae sighed.

"What If you didn't?" Jiren said.

"I still probably would have been okay." Mae shrugged.

"See that overconfidence is what's going to get you killed!" Jiren snapped.

"It's not overconfidence." Mae growled. "I'm not some weak child!"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jiren asked raising an eyebrow.

"I mean that I'm strong and I know it!" Mae was becoming angrier with him. "You should know that first hand! I fought you and I turned out just fine so stop treating me like some weak thing!"

"I never said you are weak." Jiren said. "Also in the tournament I noticed your recklessness there too. Do you understand how frustrating this is for me?"

Mae blinked back in surprise. "And it's not for me?"

"That's not what I meant. When I saw you dying in my arms I thought I was losing everything again. I just don't want to go through that loss  again." Jiren said softly.

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