The tournament continues

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Cabba and Vegeta stood a few feet apart from each other. Vegeta stood and crossed his arms, he wasn't intimidated by the young saiyan in the slightest. Cabba bowed respectfully to Vegeta and asked, "will you teach me how to do that power up?"

"Are you seriously asking me to teach you how to go super saiyan in the middle of a fight?!" Vegeta scoffed at the request.

"I just want to get stronger and there isn't anyone like you in my universe." Cabba said.

"Tch, why don't you ready yourself for a fight instead. I won't be holding back." Vegeta furrowed his eyebrows at the saiyan.

Cabba positioned himself into the same fighting stance that Vegeta uses. He was prepared for everything that could be thrown at him. Cabba was a strong noble saiyan who wasn't about to lose. He made the first move flying at Vegeta with a flurry of punches and kicks.

When he saw an opening, Vegeta made an attack against Cabba. His blows were so fast that Cabba was barely able to keep up. He decided to vault backwards and send energy blasts at Vegeta who countered with his own. At this level they were about even in strength.

Vegeta yelled, "this is the power of a super saiyan!"

Cabba was in awe of the power, "please teach me!"

Vegeta scowled and proceeded to attack Cabba. As hard as he tried he was no match for Vegeta. Blow after blow he started to feel faint, knowing he was going to lose he stood up as Vegeta closed in on him. "I give up," he whispered.

"Where is your saiyan pride!" Vegeta grabbed the saiyan and kneed him in the stomach.

Mae and Goku stood and watched as Vegeta continued to hit Cabba. Everyone was worried that Vegeta was going to kill the boy but Mae and Goku knew better. Mae could feel her anger and jealousy starting to boil to the surface.

"Are you okay, Mae?" Goku asked hesitantly.

"I'm fine," she glared at her father before turning back to the fight.

Vegeta must have said something that set Cabba off because suddenly he went super saiyan and began attacking ferociously. Vegeta seemed like he was having a hard time fighting back. At the same time they both fired huge energy blasts at each other. There was an explosion where the beams met and in the smoke Vegeta went super saiyan blue and ended the fight knocking the saiyan unconscious. After a few minutes Cabba got up and thanked Vegeta for teaching him how to reach a new level. Cabba vowed to get even stronger for the next time they met.

"I'm going for a walk," Mae growled walking away from the ring.

Cabba looked up and noticed Mae leaving. He wondered why she wasn't staying for the fight between Vegeta and Magetta. 'Maybe something is wrong,' he thought. After a scolding from Champa he decided to follow the female saiyan.

Mae could hear the next fight starting but she didn't care. She was mad that Vegeta decided to teach some saiyan from a whole other universe. "I thought I was his student." She said softly sitting down against a boulder. She pulled her knees to her chest and laid her head against them. She was so lost in her feelings that she didn't even notice Cabba walking up to her.

"I noticed you walking off. Are you okay?" He stood in front of her. He was unsure if he should sit with her or not.

Surprised, Mae looked up and glared at Cabba, "it's none of your concern. Go away."

"I'm sorry if I did something to offend you. I don't think I caught your name before." He smiled nervously at her.

Mae continued to glare at universe six's saiyan. "My name is Mae. I am the daughter of Son Goku and Vegeta has been training me since I was a small child."

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