Goku vs Mae: A fight between father and daughter

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"Well Mae lets see what ya got!" Goku said. Mae could see the excitement in her fathers' eyes as he positioned himself into a fighting stance.

"Tch, fine." Mae readied herself keeping her stance nice and tight. Just like her father she could feel the excitement building up inside her. She tried to repress the smile that was threatening to come across her face. Finally she could show her father just how strong she had become.

"Heh heh," Goku chuckled before launching himself at her. He was taller, faster, and stronger than her.

Mae used her shorter stature to duck down and throw a punch up at her fathers' stomach but he easily blocked it. She used that moment to use her legs to get a kick on him. She hit her target clean across the jaw but Goku was already countering. He kicked her in the stomach and sent her flying. She hit the ground hard, knocking the wind out of her.

"Ahhhh!" Mae stood up going super saiyan angry at her father. She went in for another attack using her rage to fuel her. Unfortunately she became a bit more clumsy with her hits which Goku picked up on quickly.

"Mae you really have gotten stronger but you still need to work on your timing!" Goku said as he went super saiyan. He went for a under kick which Mae blocked with her shin.

"Tch," was all Mae said as she counter attacked.

Vegeta and Whis watched from the sidelines as Goku and Mae moved at breakneck speed. "Do you know her flaw, Vegeta?" Whis asked.

"She can be very emotional when she fights which makes her clumsy." Vegeta said without taking his eyes off the battle.

"Hmm yes it would appear so. Rage can be a helpful tool to you saiyans but it can also make one reckless. Goku seems to have no trouble anticipating her moves." Whis rubbed his chin observing the fight. "What is her strongest level?"

"She has gone up to super saiyan three with me before." Vegeta said cooly.

"Hmm I wonder why she's only staying super saiyan now."

"She has a nasty habit of not going all out in the beginning."

"Ahh just like her father it would appear," Whis looked to Vegeta who was standing with his arms crossed watching the fight with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ka-me-ha-me-ha!" Goku yelled as he sent the energy ball at his daughter.

"Damn it!" Mae said she dodged the attack going into super saiyan two. Using the opening her father gave her she attacked him and kicked him across the jaw sending him flying. In the blink of an eye she was on him again smashing him to the ground.

"Ow ow ow!" Goku said pulling himself out of the newly made crater. "I wasn't expecting that, Mae!"

Sparks danced around the golden aura that surrounded Mae as she glared down at her father. She could feel her face flush with adrenaline. The fight had really gotten her pumped up and for a moment she had forgotten about the anger she harbored towards her father. She softly landed on the ground next to him.

"You really have gotten stronger. Vegeta must have really been teaching you a lot," Goku said smiling down at her.

"Thanks dad," Mae said looking down. For some reason a small part of her felt sad. "Vegeta really does teach me a lot."

"I think that's enough for today," Whis said touching his staff to the ground. "Goku, Vegeta why don't you go inside and wash up for dinner. Mae I would like to speak with you for a minute."

"Awe okay. C'mon Vegeta." Goku said slightly disappointed.

"Don't tell me what to do Kakarot." Vegeta scoffed as they walked towards the temple.

"Can you sense divine power?" Whis looked down at Mae who had begun stretching her lean body.

"Like when dad and Vegeta go super saiyan blue? No not yet," she said.

"Hmm well I think tomorrow I will have you spar with Goku at super saiyan blue then." Whis smiled. He wasn't sure if the female saiyan was ready but this would be the best way to train her.

"Oh okay! I can do that." Mae was excited for a moment before Whis interjected.

"Of course that is after you do your endurance training. Every morning I want you to do laps around the temple. No flying only running. As soon as you do that and do your strength endurance then you can spar with Goku and Vegeta." He started to lead her back to the temple.

"Will I be sparing with you at all?" She followed the attendant closely.

"Not until you can read divine energy. I will leave your special running weights in your room for you so you have them for when you wake. Now shall we dine?" Whis had a glimmer in his eye that Mae found slightly discomforting.

When morning came Mae was ready. Her father and Vegeta were still sleeping when she slipped out of the temple with her weights. They weren't very heavy but they slipped around her calves, waist, and arms. As she was running she realized that Whis never gave her a time to stop. So she just kept running and pushing herself to be faster. When she made the first lap she noticed that the weights had became slightly heavier. The more laps she ran the heavier they were. Sometime around mid morning Vegeta and Goku came out of the temple to get a start on the chores. She was continuing to push even though the weights were trying to drag her down.

"Yo Mae," Goku came up beside her. "How come you are runnin so slow?"

Mae shot him a glare, "I can't go as fast as I want with these weights."

"Ohh" Goku started to say before Vegeta interrupted.

"Kakarot leave her alone and get to work!"

It seemed like forever before Whis finally came out to see Mae. She was still trying her hardest to run even though the weights were immensely heavy.

"Oh wow you are still out here running. Well color me impressed. You can stop now." Whis tapped the weights that were on her and they disappeared. Instantly Mae felt a million times lighter. "I think today we can go straight into sparing."

"Okay!" Mae said with excitement. The thought of being able to fight gave her a second wind. Even though her body felt sore she was glad to have the weights off.

"Ah it seems Goku and Vegeta are already waiting for us," Whis said as they walked to the training field. "Goku today you will be sparing with Mae and Vegeta you will be with me. Now Goku I want you to attack Mae at super saiyan blue so she can start to feel divine power."

"Hehehe I hope you are prepared, Mae." Goku laughed.

"I've gone up against Vegeta in that form before." Mae said shortly.

"This time you will be blindfolded so you can detect the divine energy." Whis said placing the blindfold over her eyes.

"Fine by me," Mae had done this before when she was younger. Vegeta had her learn how to feel different energies without her eyes.

"Okay Goku whenever you are ready," Whis said.

Mae prepared herself for the attack. She knew her father had changed because she couldn't feel him anymore. The only other person she could feel was Vegeta. She brought her arms over her face only to be kicked in the stomach hard. The power of super saiyan blue was immense. Her body hurt and she could taste blood in her mouth but she was determined to win this.

"Calm yourself and feel my power," Goku said to her before hitting her with another blow.

All she could feel was the pain with every blow. He was attacking her with such speed. Never before had she won against Vegeta in this form and as the fight went on she could feel her determination slipping. Finally Goku landed a kick to her head that sent her straight into the ground and when she tried to get up the pain of the fight caused her to black out.

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