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The erasure of another universe hit Gohan hard as he walked away. He knew that he had to keep moving forward in order to protect his own universe but it still hurt. Unlike his father and twin, he wasn't fighting for the thrill of a fight. He was fighting because he had something to protect.

"Mae are you going to find your next fight?" Piccolo said.

"Yea." She looked around and when she spied Hit she grinned. "I think I've found my next target."

Gohan grabbed her arm, "be careful okay."

"You too Gohan." She gave him a look of understanding. "We are going to win this."

"Yea!" Gohan smiled at her and watched as she ran.

"Hit!" Mae said as she skidded to a stop.

"Mae." Hit said turning to her.

"Fight with me!" Mae said bringing her hands up.

"Do you think you can beat me?" He asked as he brought his hands up.

"Maybe. I've gotten stronger since the last time we fought." Mae raised her eyebrows.

"So have I." Hit grinned.

"I would expect nothing less from an assassin, Hit." Mae said as she ran forward. She was ready for his time skip and predicted where he would be.

"Impressive." Hit said as she blocked his attack. "That was just a small taste to see if you could keep up."

"I figured." Mae jumped back. "Shall we step things up?" She shouted as she went super saiyan three her long yellow hair flowing behind her.

Caulifla and Kale were hiding behind a pile of rubble watching the fight between Mae and Hit. "That must be super saiyan three! So cool!" Caulifla said in awe.

"Not blue?" Hit asked.

"Nah. I don't want to waste my stamina." Mae said as she went in for a kick. Her foot passed through him and she waited for him to counter before sending another blow. She got the idea from watching Gohan fight. As long as she didn't take too much damage.

"Hmph," Hit grinned as he kicked Mae sending her spinning on the ground.

Mae sprinted forward ducking under a punch and getting her own in. "Are you still planning on killing my father?"

Hit blocked her attack, "I made a promise didn't I."

"Heh," Mae lunged, "you know that will be the day you die."

"Do you think you can kill me?" He ducked as she brought her leg up.

"I can try." Mae said as their forearms locked together.

"You are a stubborn one aren't you." Hit said.

"I try." She winked at him as she jumped back. Suddenly before she could blink someone attacked her from the side sending her crashing into more rubble. "The hell?" She said as she got up.

"Assassin Hit!" A man who looked like a rabbit said. "I am Dyspo from universe 11 and I'm here to beat your time skip."

"Oh?" Hit said turning to the new opponent.

"Hmph." Mae crossed her arms and jumped up onto a pillar, dropping her form. "Hit when you are done with this you're mine."

"Alright." Hit smirked.

"You are Mae from universe seven." Dyspo said.

"I am." Mae said as she took a quick glance around. 'He must have allies nearby,' she thought. When she spotted Toppo and Jiren nearby the corners of her mouth turned upwards slightly, a challenge to Jiren. 'Let's see if they come at me.'

Dragonball MaeWhere stories live. Discover now