Stop the poachers

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"Wow that was a really good fight!" Goku said as 17 and Mae returned. "Next time I wanna fight you."

"You really have gotten stronger." Mae grinned.

"So have you. You aren't that same kid I fought all those years ago." 17 said as he prepared a pot of coffee.

"Ya know I think if we had fought back then I would have lost." Goku said sitting by the fire.

"I don't know. If you are the same strength or stronger than Mae then surely I would have lost." 17 replied.

Mae slid closer to the fire, her clothes still soaked. "Dende was right about you though. I'm guessing you weren't at full power."

"You could tell?" 17 looked up at her. "Well, I don't think you were going all out either. I'm willing to bet you still have a good deal of power."

"Haha maybe." Mae chuckled, she was holding back, ensuring the island's safety.

"Dende said you have a family, are they here?" Goku asked leaning closer.

"No I work away from home. They live on a nearby island though." 17 explained. "Because of the Dragon Balls, I was brought back and I met my wife and got this job." He said gazing at the stars.

"Can we see a picture of your family?" Mae asked.

"Oh yea, here." He brought up a picture on his phone.

"Wow three kids!" Goku said taking a look.

"Two of them are adopted." 17 said. "I'm guessing you didn't come here to ask about my family. Why are you really here?"

Goku and Mae exchanged a look before telling 17 about the Tournament of Power. "So that's why we are here. We need you to join." Mae said.

"No thanks." 17 said bluntly.

"But you could win a lot of zeni!" Goku stood up.

"This job makes enough money already." 17 said turning his back to the saiyans.

"17, it's only for a little while!" Mae said walking to face him.

17 narrowed his eyes at her, "I am the only one protecting this island."

"It's only for a couple hours." Goku added.

"Poachers could come during that time and there's no guarantee that they won't." 17 crossed his arms.

"What about if we get Goten and Trunks to come while you are gone?" Goku pleaded. "Both of them are really strong."

17 paused for a moment considering. "I know Trunks but not Goten. Being strong isn't enough for this job."

"Goten is my little brother." Mae said, "Please 17, we need you. Everyone's fate is on the line." She blurted.

"See there, I knew you were hiding something." 17 said. "If this was just a tournament you two wouldn't be here trying to convince me to join."

Goku looked at Mae, "we weren't supposed to say anything but, if we lose then the entire universe will be erased."

17 paused for what seemed like an eternity before finally speaking, "I don't care about being erased."

"What?!" Mae and Goku said together.

"If everyone is erased together then it can't be helped." 17 said.

"Can't be helped?" Mae said her tone becoming more angry. "What do you mean it can't be helped? We are here asking for your help damn it!"

"Mae," Goku said trying to stop her.

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