Time Patrol

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Goku blocked an attack as Cumber struck at Mae. This gave her an opening to attack the saiyan. Cumber growled as her punch landed across his face. He backhanded her sending her crashing to the ground. Goku continued to focus his attacks, increasing his speed as well.

Mae wiped the blood from her lip as she stood up. She waited until Goku was clear then she sent energy blasts at Cumber. He deflected them, sending them soaring into Goku. He quickly brought his hands over his face to block the energy blasts.

Mae flew back up into the air and continued her assault on Cumber. He was blocking all of her attacks and when the opportunity came he countered. As Mae reeled back, Goku took her place.

As they attacked each other the shock waves caused the ground to explode around them. Cumber then kicked Goku into Mae before sending them both crashing to the ground. As they got up Cumber formed a massive energy ball and launched it at them.

"Shit!" Mae swore as she and her father held their hands up in an attempt to push the energy back. It was so heavy and massive that they began to dig into the ground. They both cried out as the energy exploded. One of the chains in the sky broke from the force.

Fu went back to his lab after his talk with the saiyans. Only when he returned his workshop was destroyed. His eyes widened in shock and anger. "I can't do my experiments like this!" He picked up a piece of metal and inspected it. "Who did this?!" He shouted, crushing the metal in his hand.

Both Goku and Mae dropped their forms. Goku was on the ground but somehow Mae was still standing. She was breathing heavy and her arm was bleeding. As Goku struggled to get up Cumber landed and placed his foot on his head. Mae ran over to try and save him but Cumber punched her across the jaw knocking her back. Mae spat out more blood as she strained to get up. She had to do something about Cumber but she was too weak.

"What's wrong?" Cumber taunted as Goku cried out in pain. "Finished already?"

"Big Bang Attack!" Mae yelled. The energy hit Cumber and he turned his head and glared at her.

"Foolish girl!" His red eyes burning into her. He flew up into the air. "Both of you are finished!" He held his hands out and sent four energy blasts at them each. Neither of them could block the incoming attacks. Goku lost consciousness while Mae dropped to her knees. "Now die!" Cumber yelled forming another energy blast. This would be enough to end both father and daughter.

Mae tried to think of how she could get her and Goku away but there wasn't enough time. She was going to die. As she gritted her teeth and waited for the end someone suddenly appeared in front of them and deflected the energy, sending it soaring behind them.

She looked up, "dad? Vegeta?" The Xeno versions of them had arrived. Mae looked over and saw herself, the Xeno version, next to her. All three of them were powered up to super saiyan four.

"Mae, get them out of here," Xeno Goku commanded.

"Kakarot and I will handle this," Xeno Vegeta said and Xeno Mae nodded.

"Come on," Xeno Mae grabbed Mae by her arm and led her back to where Trunks, Mai, and Vegeta were standing.

"You're facing us now," Xeno Goku frowned at Cumber.

"I don't know who you are, but you've got guts!" Cumber laughed. "I'll take on all challengers!"

Trunks looked at the newcomers in surprise. "Two dads?"

"It's the Time Patrol," Mai said just as both Mae's came up.

"Vegeta," Xeno Mae said handing Mae over. Vegeta nodded and helped Mae stand.

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