First session with Whis

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A few days passed before Whis and Lord Beerus came back to Earth. Mae had already perfected the ramen she would serve to the gods in hopes they would take her back to their world with Vegeta. The only concern she had was knowing that her father, Goku, would be there. Vegeta had Mae working on some simple workouts when Beerus and Whis landed in a brilliant light.

"Bulma! I hope you have some tasty food for me!" Beerus whined.

"Lord Beerus and Whis! I do not have any food for you but wait before you get angry Mae has something for you instead." Bulma winked and motioned for Mae to hurry and make the god some food.

"Oh yes! I will go and make you something delicious. If you don't mind waiting a little bit my Lord," Mae bowed her head in respect to the god of destruction and his attendant.

"Oh ho ho I don't think that would be an issue, what do you think my lord," Whis smiled knowingly.

"Hmmm I suppose but it better be extra tasty!" Beerus said impatiently.

"Of course my lord!" Mae ran off to the kitchen to get started on her culinary masterpiece.

About 15 minutes later she walked out holding two bowls with steaming hot noodles. "This is my homemade teriyaki beef ramen with green onion and sesame seeds. Please enjoy!" She smiled while placing the bowls in front of the eager gods.

"Well it doesn't look like much but the smell is fascinating," Beerus said picking up a piece of beef. He sniffed it before popping it into his mouth. "Oh wow! This is wonderful!"

"Ohh the sweetness of the sauce and the spice of this meat is heavenly!" Whis blushed from the deliciousness of the meal. They quickly ate the food Mae prepared for them. "So Mae is there something you want to ask me?"

"Yes sir, I was hoping that I could come with Vegeta and have you train me." Mae looked down.

Whis paused for a second, "what do you think my lord?"

"I suppose," Beerus waved a hand, "but she will have to make me more tasty food."

"Well, Mae, it's decided looks like you will be joining us." Whis smiled with a gleam in his eye.

"Oh thank you! I would be happy to make you yummy foods." Mae tried to contain her excitement. She knew this would be the chance she had to get stronger and maybe even tap into the divine power that Vegeta and her father could.

"Now where is Vegeta I'm ready to leave now Whis," Beerus said using a nail to pick his sharp cat like teeth.

"Oh I'll go and get him," Bulma said running off to fetch her husband.

While waiting for Vegeta Mae went and grabbed her bag that she had packed with her training clothes. She was finally ready to take the next step in becoming stronger than her father. 'I should have told mom I'm leaving.' Mae thought as she ran back to Whis and Beerus.

"Are you coming or not," Vegeta called to her impatiently.

"I- yes I'm here. Hey Bulma can you tell my mom I'm going to train with Vegeta and Whis!" She called out to Bulma before grabbing on to Vegeta so Whis could transport them to Beerus' world.

About 20 minutes later they were transported to Beerus' home. Mae stood in awe by the beauty of the temple, the trees, and the moon filled sky.

"Where is Kakarot?" Vegeta asked bringing Mae out of her amazement.

"I had Goku take care of chores while we were out since he decided not to join us," Whis giggled. "Mae since you are here now in addition to training you will be expected to help out with chores."

"Oh not a problem. I am truly grateful that you brought me here." Mae bowed quickly.

"Whis I need a nap," Beerus yawned.

"Yes my lord," Whis smiled following the god. "Vegeta show Mae around please and then go see what Goku still needs help with."

"Tch fine, come on then." Vegeta turned heading into the temple. He gave her a quick tour and showed her where her sleeping quarters were at. Then after they found Goku who had just finished picking the field.

"Hey Vegeta!" Goku came running up to them waving. "Mae you are here too?!"

"Yea I asked Lord Beerus and Whis if I could train here with you guys," Mae looked down annoyed.

"Well that's great now you can become even stronger! I just finished up the chores so I'm sure we can begin our training soon!" Goku scratched his head smiling down at his daughter.

Shortly after Whis appeared before them, "Mae I made a new training outfit for you." He touched her with his staff and her clothes changed to a black tank top with a red sports bra underneath, red and black pants to match, and black training shoes.

"Oh wow! Thank you Whis!" Mae said admiring her new outfit.

"You are most welcome. Now shall we begin?" He smiled mischievously.

"Yes!" The three saiyans said coming to attention.

"Excellent, Goku and Vegeta you will continue your training fighting with me. Mae on the other hand I want you to work on your endurance. So come over here," he led her to a pedestal about a foot off the ground. "Now place one foot there on the pedestal."

"Okay," Mae hopped up and balanced herself there was only enough room for one foot but that was no trouble for her.

"Now hold out your arms like this," Whis said spreading his arms out to the side.

"Okay," Mae copied him.

"Excellent," then he tapped her hand with his staff and two heavy blocks became wrapped around her arms. "Now keep your arms up just like that and maintain your balance."

"These are so heavy!" Mae said her balance starting to falter.

"Tch you can't even handle something like that?" Vegeta scoffed at her.

"You can do it Mae!" Goku laughed.

"I never said I couldn't do it!" Mae glared at Vegeta and her father and straightened herself out taking a deep breath.

Whis smiled leading Goku and Vegeta a little ways in front of her where they began to try and attack him.

Mae stood strong for what seemed like ages just focusing on watching Vegeta and her father fight. Trying to master their moves in her head while she kept the stones on her arms up. She kept her breathing even and her back straight and kept a watchful eye while the two saiyans fought.

Suddenly a energy blast came right for her and she had to leap out of the way. Unfortunately the heavy stones made her lose her balance and she fell on her behind.

"Oh sorry about that Mae, I thought for sure it would hit him this time," Goku laughed while Mae got up the stones slipping off her arms as she moved.

"It's fine," she glared.

"Mae why don't you come over here and do some sparing too." Whis chuckled.

"Okay. Am I sparing with you Whis?" She dusted herself off.

"Hmmm no not today. I think today you should spare with Goku." Whis stepped back with a devilish look in his eye.

"Hehe well come on then Mae let's see what ya got!" Goku said readying his stance.

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