Larry Stylinson Dentist (Request for Anonymous)

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Note: I hope everyone is doing well and staying healthy. I hope you are all practicing social distancing/ staying at home, and healthy habits so we can hopefully slow down the curve of the coronavirus soon! Stay safe!

Harry had woken up with throbbing pain down his jaw. He held his face as he stood in the bathroom looking at his reflection in the mirror. He sighed and got a wash cloth. He turned on the cold water, and let it run over the wash cloth. He stuck it to his face hoping that it would provide some sort of relief. Harry could easily have it fixed, because his boyfriend, Louis, is a dentist...but Harry was terrified of both needles and dentists. Harry had never really had any problems that required Louis to have to do any dental work on him, and he didn't want to start now, but he knew that the pain was most likely caused from a cavity. That would require Harry not only to have a needle in his mouth, but it would also cause him to have to see a dentist, his two worst fears. Harry felt bad that he was so afraid of the dentist, because he knew that Louis would never intentionally hurt him, but he couldn't help his fear. Just the thought of the dentist was enough to make Harry shudder in fear. The hard thing was going to be that they were currently both confined to the house due to quarantine, so it was going to be very hard to avoid Louis. Harry decided that he was going to try and distance himself from Louis as much as possible though to avoid having Louis find out about his cavity. Harry brought himself out of his thoughts, and put the wash cloth in the dirty clothes bin, and decided to go downstairs. 

Harry padded down the stairs, and wandered into the living room. He wasn't expecting Louis to be sitting on the couch, but there he was. Harry purposely sat on the other couch, and started flipping through social media on his phone. Louis already found that weird of Harry, because normally Harry would always sit right next to Louis in the mornings and cuddle. "Good morning, Haz," Louis said a little bewildered. "Morning," Harry answered back shortly trying to avoid moving his mouth too much. Louis was confused as to why Harry was acting so strange, but he decided to give him a little space. They went the whole morning without really interacting much. Harry wanted nothing more than to go cuddle with Louis, but he knew that Louis would find out about his pain, and would want to try and fix it. "I'm going to make lunch, you want a sandwich, love?" Louis asked as he stood up. "No thanks," Harry answered back. Really, Harry did want food, but he knew that it would kill his mouth, and Harry didn't want to risk Louis seeing him in pain. "Okay..." Louis said walking to the kitchen knowing that it wasn't like Harry to turn down food. Louis began to wonder if he had done something wrong. He thought back over the past few days, and couldn't recall anything he may have done, but he decided that he should ask Harry just in case. 

Louis walked back into the living room with his sandwich, and sat it on the coffee table. "Harry?" Louis said getting Harry's attention. "Have I done something to upset you?" Louis questioned and made Harry instantly feel bad for ignoring him. "No, Louis. I-" Harry started not wanting to admit what was troubling him, but he felt bad that Louis thought he was mad at him. "Go on," Louis coaxed Harry. "I've been having some pain in my mouth... I think it's a cavity," Harry admitted finally. "Love, why didn't you tell me?" Louis questioned getting up to sit by Harry. "Because, I am terrified of the dentist and needles, and I'm fairly positive that this is a cavity," Harry said starting to cry. "Love! You should've just told me!" Louis said and Harry erupted into sobs. "Hey, it's okay!" Louis said to Harry, slightly taken aback at how upset Harry was. "Hey hey, it's alright! It's okay!" Louis said hugging him. Harry sobbed in Louis' arms, and Louis rubbed Harry's back. "Shh..don't cry, I'm right here. Everything's okay!" Louis continued to comfort as he rubbed Harry's back. Louis swayed back and forth gently in efforts to calm Harry down. Harry's heart was racing after he told Louis, and he was nervous of what Louis had to say. Louis pulled Harry closer to him, and Harry rested his face on Louis' chest. "Calm down, love. Take a deep breath with me," Louis said pulling away to look at Harry. Harry took a breath with Louis, and tried to shake his nerves away. "Listen to me," Louis said putting his hands on Harry's cheeks. "I would never ever hurt you," Louis said wiping the falling tears off of Harry's face with his thumbs. "Why don't you let me take you into my office, and we will take a look at what's going on, and then we can fix it so you aren't in pain anymore," Louis suggested and Harry thought for a long time. "Okay," he finally agreed and Louis kissed his forehead, and went to go get ready to drive to the office. 

After they got ready, Louis took Harry to his office to get him fixed. "Okay, Harry. You go ahead and sit in the chair, and I'll get everything set up," Louis said flipping on the light in one of the dental rooms. Harry slid into the chair nervously, and looked around at all the scary gadgets in the room. "I promise I'll tell you everything I'm doing," Louis said putting on some gloves. "Alright, I'm going to start with an x-ray to see if it is a cavity that's causing you so much pain," Louis said and had Harry bite on a small piece of plastic, and he took the x-ray. "Yep! There it is right there. Luckily, it's small, so it's a really easy fix," Louis smiled at his nervous boyfriend. "Do I have to get it fixed today? Can't we just wait?" Harry asked hopeful. "Love, we really need to get it fixed today. It could get worse over time," Louis said and Harry dropped his head in sadness. "I promise I'll tell you everything I'm doing," Louis said and Harry agreed to let him help.

"Okay, first, I'm going to give you some numbing medicine. It's a tiny prick," Louis said and picked up the tiny needle. Harry nervously opened his mouth a little, and Louis said for Harry to squeeze his arm. "Okay 1-2-3," Louis said and had the needle in by the count of two. "All done with numbing!" Louis exclaimed to Harry. "That's all? That wasn't bad!" Harry said talking a little funny cause of the numbing causing Louis to laugh. "Yes, that's it," Louis said giggling. "Alright, you won't feel anything now, just some pressure. I'm going to drill the cavity out, and then fix everything else, and then you'll be good to go!" Louis said and got to work. "Alright, you're all done!" Louis said pulling off his gloves. "That was quick!" Harry said happily. "See, I told you there was nothing to worry about!" Louis said and kissed Harry. "I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner! Maybe the dentist isn't bad at all," Harry said and Louis laughed. They went home and spent the rest of the night cuddling, and Harry grew comfortable with Louis being his dentist. 

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