Meet My Fiancé ( Request for KristynY20)

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Note: I hope you are all doing well! I hope you're all practicing healthy habits and social distancing! We will get through this! Much love!

Kristyn and Niall had fallen deeply in love very quickly. Niall had popped the question, and of course Kristyn said yes. She was excited that she was about to finish her senior year of high school, so she could be with her fiancé even more. Kristyn was going to get to see him soon, because the premiere of One Direction's movie "This Is Us" was coming up rapidly quick, and she was excited. Nobody in Kristyn's class believed that she was actually engaged to Niall despite her telling them all where the engagement ring on her finger was from when they asked. She was used to hearing nasty comments like "yeah right" or "in your dreams," but Kristyn didn't really let it get to her. They all knew Kristyn as the shy quiet one in class, and she wasn't going to argue with them. One day in particular though, a few comments were made, and Kristyn finally had a way to prove herself. " I am going to his premiere for his movie this weekend, and I can invite some people since I'm his fiancée, so I would like all of you to join me," she said to the group of classmates and teachers a little louder than normal. She gave them the information, and they told her they'd see her this weekend, but none of them really believed her still. They finished out the day, and she sat quietly in the corner like normal as they cracked jokes. 

Finally, the weekend rolled around, and she got dressed super cute for the premiere, and got to the area where it was. She was pretty excited to prove everyone wrong honestly. "Hey guys," she said shyly as she met with all of her teachers and classmates at the door. "This will be fun," one of the classmates whispered sarcastically to one of the other skeptic students. As soon as they entered the area where the premiere was happening, Kristyn was swarmed by a few interviewers. "Kristyn, how excited are you to see the movie?" "Kristyn, when are you getting married?" "Kristyn, how are you?" "Kristyn, can you give us a few words about the movie today?" several of them shouted out. "I'm doing well! I am very excited to see the movie! We are getting married after I finish high school! I think the movie is going to be great. They have worked very hard to get the movie going, I think everyone's going to enjoy it!" she answered flawlessly. Some of her classmates and teacher's jaws dropped in surprise. They hadn't ever heard Kristyn speak that much the whole time they knew her. Never would they have imagined she had that in her. As they got closer to the entrance, she was stopped a few more times to be asked questions that she also answered flawlessly, and eventually Niall spotted her amongst the crowd when him Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn were walking around. "Hey babe, you look wonderful," he said hugging her, and falling out of line from the boys. "Thanks, babe. You do too," she said hugging him back. This caused their jaws to drop even more. A few interviewers came by, and did some interviews with Niall and Kristyn, and then they walked over to the group of teachers and classmates she had invited that were watching from the side. "Hey guys," Niall said smiling and shaking everyone's hands. Everyone couldn't believe that she was actually telling the truth. Niall stood with his arm around her as everyone stood silent and stunned. "So, y 'all are actually engaged?" one girl finally spoke up and ask him. "Of course, I love her!" he answered as he suppressed a laugh at how genuinely surprised everyone was. "Alright babe, I'll see you inside," Niall said having to split up for a bit as he had to go back with the boys. "Okay!" she said as he kissed her quickly and followed the boys and body guards. Kristyn led them to their seats inside the theater, and they all got sat down. "Kristyn, we didn't know you have that side to you," one of her teachers spoke up and said. "Well, when you have a fiancé that's in a very famous boy band, you get stopped a lot and asked questions, so I've gotten used to it," Kristyn shrugged as her fiancé finally made his way to sit next to her. The group all watched in awe as Niall lifted the arm rest between their seats, and Kristyn cuddled into him. They felt bad they didn't believe her, and were still really surprised and star struck. 

After they finished the movie, several of her classmates and teachers approached her to apologize for not taking her seriously, and Kristyn simply replied "it's okay! Not a lot of people believe me." After everyone she invited had cleared out of the theater, Niall and Kristyn went back home to finally get some much needed rest. "Their faces!" Niall laughed as he got into bed with Kristyn. "It was definitely funny!" she said as she cuddled into him. "Well, now they'll take you seriously, babe!" Niall said wrapping his arms around her, and cuddling close, they fell asleep in each other's arms. 

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