I'm Happy You Made It! (Request for KristynY20)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

"Hey, babe!" Niall greeted through the phone when Kristyn picked up his phone call. "Hey!" she said as she took an ibuprofen. "How are you?" Niall asked as Kristyn made her way to the couch to sit, and talk to her fiancé. "About like usual, I suppose. My throat is still killing me," Kristyn said and he could hear the rasp in her voice as she talked. Recently, Kristyn had been dealing with a good deal of throat problems, and had kept strep throat pretty regularly lately. "Still, babe?" Niall asked getting concerned about Kristyn's throat. "Yes, but I'm sure it's nothing," Kristyn said trying to blow it off. "No, it isn't just nothing. I want you to schedule an appointment with the ENT, you need to go get your throat checked out," Niall said getting completely serious. "I appreciate your worry, but I really do think it's fine," Kristyn smirked at her fiancé getting overprotective. "Kristyn, you're going," Niall said and Kristyn laughed at him again. "Okay, okay, I'll go," she said making Niall feel better. "Thank you," he said with a sigh of relief. "Of course, babe. I'll call you back shortly, I'm going to make an appointment really quick," Kristyn said, and they said their goodbyes, and she called the ENT to schedule an appointment.

A few days later, Kristyn got up and went in to get everything checked. Kristyn knew something wasn't exactly right, but she was hoping for the best. She drove herself to the appointment, and sat somewhat anxiously in the office waiting room as she waited for her name to be called. "Kristyn?" a nurse said as she opened the door. Kristyn stood to join her, and they went back. "Okay, the doctor will be right in!" the nurse said after doing her business, and leaving Kristyn to sit and wait. "Okay," Kristyn smiled and scrolled through Twitter to pass the time. "Hi!" the doctor said as he finally entered the room, and grabbed some gloves to put on. "Hi," Kristyn smiled at the man. "How are you today?" he asked as he looked at Kristyn's charts and information. "I'm okay! You?" she asked slightly lying, because really her throat was killing her. "I'm good! What brings you in today?" he asked as he turned the big light on. "Well, I have been dealing with a lot of throat pain, and I seem to keep strep throat," she explained as he grabbed a tongue depressor. "Alright! I'll just look really quick if you don't mind," the doctor said, and Kristyn opened her mouth for him to look. "I see the problem already," the doctor said seeing the issue right away. "You need to have your tonsils taken out, because they are very big. This explains what has been giving you strep throat," the doctor explained nonchalantly, since this was a very common and routine problem and operation. Kristyn felt her heart drop at the news. "Oh okay," she said trying to keep herself calm. "Great! So, we will just go ahead and schedule the surgery then, and I'll see you then," he said shaking her hand, and then telling the receptionist in charge of scheduling that she was going to need to schedule the surgery. "Okay! Let's take a look at the schedule," the lady smiled as Kristyn sat down at the desk. Kristyn and the lady went over the available dates, and it turned out the only times that were available was in a week, or the same week as their wedding. Kristyn went ahead and scheduled it for the next week, because it was going to be too hard to try and recover from the surgery while getting ready for the wedding. Plus, she wanted to focus solely on her wedding that week. "Okay, you are all set! We will see you next week," the lady said as she printed off some information regarding the surgery for Kristyn to go over, and then Kristyn went out to her car. The moment Kristyn got into her car, she called Niall. "Hey, babe! How'd it go?" Niall said as he answered the phone. "Well, I have to have my tonsils removed, because they are so big. That's what has been causing my throat aches and strep throat, and the surgery is next week," Kristyn explained shuddering at the very thought of the operation. "Wow, that's soon! I'm going to try my hardest to make it. I'm not sure if I will though because of how busy I have been with finishing the album and doing promo, but I'll do my best to work it out," Niall explained to Kristyn, and she understood. She knew that Niall was extremely busy, but she really wanted him to be able to be there with her. "Okay. Just let me know," Kristyn said before they got off, and she drove home.

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