So Good To See You Again! (Request for KristynY21)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

Kristyn had quite a busy life; she was currently living in Nashville while she was doing dental school, and she hadn't been back to the UK for going on four years. Her twin, Liam Payne, still lived there and with him being in One Direction, they rarely got to see each other. So, on days like today when she was able to talk to her brother, she dropped everything. "Hey Kristyn, how are you doing?" Liam asked happy to speak to his sister. "I'm doing great! Staying busy with school! How about you?" she asked sitting on the couch. "Doing good! Keeping busy with the band," Liam said back. "That's good!What's going on with you and the boys right now, anything new?" Kristyn asked excited to hear what they were up to now. "Well, since we've been working so hard on the new album, we are all taking a small break before going back to it!" Liam explained to her. "That'll be nice! You guys deserve a few weeks off!" Kristyn said knowing how hard they worked. "Thanks, sis! You deserve a break too! You work your tail off...speaking of us being on a break, I've really been wanting to come see you. Maybe I could?" Liam asked and Kristyn lit up. "I would love that!" Kristyn said back immediately. "Really?! That's great! I'll get a flight booked when we get off the phone. Since we were on the topic of the band, do you think anyone in the band is cute?" Liam asked out of nowhere, and Kristyn laughed at Liam's singsong tone. "Maybeee," Kristyn sounded out. "Who?!" Liam asked as his interest peaked. "Niall," Kristyn admitted, and Liam smiled as he had an idea creep into his head. "Aweee," Liam said in an annoying brotherly tone. "Oh hush," Kristyn laughed at him. "Okay, I'm going to go book the flight and I'll call you back with the details," Liam said. "Okay. I love you," Kristyn said. "I love you more," Liam said before getting off and scrolling to the name 'Niall' in his contacts. He sneakily was going to ask Niall if he wanted to come as a surprise for Kristyn. "Hey mate!" Niall said as he answered the phone. "Hey! How are you doing since we've been on our short break?" Liam asked. "Pretty good. It's honestly been a boring few days," Niall laughed. "Well, I'm going to Nashville to see Kristyn, would you like to go with me?" Liam offered with a sly smile. "Sure! I'd love to!" Niall said back. "Okay! I'll get us tickets booked, and I'll text you the details!" Liam said as his plan fell into place. "Okay mate! I'll talk to you soon!" Niall said before getting off the phone.

Liam got straight to booking their tickets and then he called Kristyn back. "Hey!" Kristyn said. "Hey! I'll be coming in Tuesday," Liam said happily. "Okay great! I have class till 3 that day, but I'll be at the airport right as soon as it's over!" Kristyn said cheerfully. "Okay, love!" Liam said before they said their goodbyes. A few days later, Kristyn woke up on the day he was supposed to come in, and she was so excited. She hopped out of bed and got straight to getting ready. She took a quick shower, and then put her scrubs on for her clinicals. They had to wear scrubs to her clinicals so they got used to wearing them, but it didn't really bother Kristyn that much. She straightened up the apartment a little, and then she went to class, and before she knew it, she was heading to the airport to pick Liam up. She jammed out to music as she drove to get him, and she could barely contain her excitement. Meanwhile, Liam was excited to see his sister, and also to surprise her with Niall, her favorite from the band. Kristyn pulled into the airport, and grabbed her bag from the passenger seat as she walked in. She quickly went into one of the bathrooms and changed out of her scrubs and into normal clothes, because she didn't want to be in scrubs when she saw her brother. Right as she was leaving the bathroom, she got a text that Liam had just landed. "I'm at the gate," she texted back as she headed over, and she was smiling from ear to ear.

Kristyn waited at the gate for her brother, and finally spotted him approaching her. She had to do a double take, because not only was it Liam, but she saw Niall too. She felt her heart start pounding, and took a breath to try and keep herself from freaking out. "Hey guys!" Kristyn said as they approached. "Hey!" Liam and Niall said and Liam pulled her into one of his famous tight hugs she had missed. "It's so good to see you again!" Kristyn said to Liam. "Hey Niall! Nice to meet you!" Kristyn said pulling away from Liam to hug the Irish boy. "Hey!" he said pulling her close. "How was your flight?" Kristyn asked as they started heading out to her car. "It was good. Long," Liam explained and Niall nodded in agreement. "Well, I'm just glad you guys are here! Are you hungry?" Kristyn asked as they put their luggage in her car. "I am!" Liam said and Niall agreed again. "Okay! Let's go get something to eat then!" she said starting to drive to their restaurant of choice. As Kristyn pulled out of the parking lot, she could tell Liam looked a little nervous. "Are you good?" Kristyn asked with a laugh as she pulled onto the main road. "Y-yeah," Liam said as he gripped his knee anxiously. Since Kristyn had been in Nashville, she had learned how to drive on the right side of the road, but Liam was used to her driving on the left from when they were still in London. "You're fine!" Kristyn laughed as she realized he was watching her drive, and could see the fear in his eyes. "I'm just not used to this," Liam said as he continued to stare at the road nervously. Kristyn laughed but eventually Liam relaxed after he realized Kristyn knew exactly what she was doing.

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