I'm Right Here (Request for KristynY20)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

Kristyn and Niall were engaged, and their wedding was approaching rapidly. Along with the wedding coming up, Kristyn also had a dentist appointment approaching within the next few days where she was going to have a lot of work done. Kristyn was dreading the appointment with every ounce of her being, because she was mortified of needles, and she had a bunch of cavities she had to have filled this time. Kristyn hadn't had them tended to earlier, because her previous dentist was horrible. He was abusive, and would slap you every time you needed a cavity filled. After a couple of appointments dealing with it, Kristyn decided she wasn't going back to him, because he was so terrible. Instead, she decided to just suck it up, and deal with the pain they caused her, because she was terrified to go back. Kristyn had decided to set up her appointment to get all of the work done since her wedding was coming up, so she didn't have to deal with the pain on her honeymoon. She had dealt with them so long now, she just wanted to be able to enjoy the experiences without having to worry about the horrible pain that radiated from her mouth every single day. 

A few days prior to the appointment, Kristyn decided to call Niall and ask if he was going to be able to make it to her appointment. She wanted him to be there more than anything in the world, but Niall had been so busy lately, they weren't sure if he was going to make it. Now that they had pushed off knowing till a couple days before, Kristyn was anxious to know the answer, so she went ahead and asked. She sat nervously as the phone rang a few times, and finally Niall picked up with a, "hey babe!" "Hey!" Kristyn replied as she fiddled with something to calm her nerves some. "I know you're at work, but I was going to call and see if you knew anything about whether you could come to my appointment or not," Kristyn followed up as she hoped for the best. "Kristyn, I really wish I could! I want to be there so badly, but I just don't think I'm going to be able to, babe. I just have so much to do," Niall said sadly to Kristyn, even though he was secretly planning something. "Oh okay," Kristyn muttered out trying not to get upset on the phone, because she knew Niall couldn't help the fact he was so busy. "You're so strong, babe! You'll be able to make it through!" Niall said encouraging her. "Thanks," Kristyn said appreciating his kind words, but knew that her fear of needles was too bad to just be fine with everything. "Well, I have to get back to work, but I'll call you in a bit, okay? I love you," Niall said sensing the sadness in Kristyn's voice, and feeling horrible he had fibbed to her. "I love you too," she said and ended the call. Tears began to run down her face at the thought of her having to face her fears alone. Niall always went to the dentist with her, and made sure she was okay, but this time was going to be completely different. 

A couple of days later, Kristyn's mom headed up to wake Kristyn for her appointment. Kristyn hadn't slept much the night before, because she was mortified of what lied ahead of her. "Kristyn," her mom said from the doorway to wake her up. Kristyn's eyes opened, and she stretched out. "Kristyn, you need to get up. We need to leave soon," her mom said as Kristyn rolled over to look at her. "I don't want too. I don't want to go if Niall won't be there," Kristyn said as fear engulfed her body at the thought. "I know you don't want to, but you have to. The cavities and dental work needed have been sitting way too long. Get on up, I'll see you downstairs," Kristyn's mom said before she left Kristyn to get up. She rolled out of bed and sighed as she got herself ready to endure all the work that needed to be done at the dentist, and tried to keep her nerves in check, but it was no use. She could feel the butterflies in her stomach getting worse and worse the closer they got to the time of the appointment. After she brushed her teeth, she walked downstairs to meet her mom. "Ready to go?" Kristyn's mom said sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. "I suppose," Kristyn said lacking all enthusiasm. "Alright then! Let's go," her mom said smiling and standing up from the table. Kristyn's mom knew that Kristyn was horrified, but she knew it would all be better when they got there. Niall had secretly been planning on surprising Kristyn at the dentist, and they had kept the secret well hidden, but all felt horrible that Kristyn thought she was going to be alone to face her biggest fear. Kristyn's mom drove to the office, and Niall texted Kristyn to see how she was. "Good morning, babe! You feeling okay?" Niall texted to her. "Good morning. I'm just really nervous..." she texted back with a sigh. "You've got this, babe! Remember what I said, you are strong! You can make it through this!" Niall sent back to his nervous fiancé. "Thank you," Kristyn sent back as that's all her shaking thumbs could manage to send. 

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