Zianourry- Liam Has A Toothache (Request for VictoriaVanorden2)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

There was no denying that Liam had a toothache; he practically felt like his face was throbbing. He couldn't eat, he couldn't talk, it was all just awful. The boys had started to notice, but Liam would just blow them off until Louis stood in front of him with an apple. "Okay then, if you aren't hurting bite into this Apple," Louis said crossing his arms, and Liam looked at him with a shocked expression. "I'm not hungry," Liam said, but Louis was one step ahead of him. "See, I know that's not true, because you haven't eaten all day," Louis said sitting next to his boyfriend. "Now, tell us the truth," Louis said, and Liam sighed. "Fine, I have a toothache," Liam said with a frown, and Louis pulled him into a hug. "Why didn't you tell us, love? We could've gotten you help sooner?" Niall asked, and Liam looked at him. "That was the point of not telling you. I didn't want to go to the dentist," Liam said, and the boys sighed. "Li, we know you're afraid of the dentist, but you can't just let yourself stay in pain. Go get your shoes on," Zayn said, and Liam knew he wouldn't getting out of this one.

The boys got him to the dentist in no time, and Liam was regretting not biting the apple and just pretending it didn't hurt. "Liam Payne?" the dentist assistant called as she opened the door. "Come on, Li," Harry said to Liam who was still frozen in his chair. "It's alright!" Harry added taking Liam's hand, and they all followed the lady into the exam room. "Okay, the dentist will be in shortly," she smiled after taking a few x-rays and leaving the room. "Guys, I hate this so much," Liam said as his nerves continually got worse and worse. "Liam, he's just going to help you!" Louis said. "I know that, but I hate the dentist. It's going to hurt regardless. Let's just go home," Liam said starting to stand as Niall went over to stop him. "Now, Liam, you just stay put. We are going to be right here the whole time," Niall said, but that wasn't enough to Liam. "I just don't want to deal with it at all! Please!" Liam said as tears started rolling down his face. "Awe, babe!" Zayn said as the rest of the boys made their way over to him. "Please don't cry, Liam! It's going to stop hurting once we figure out what it is! It'll only get worse if you don't let the dentist fix it," Harry said rubbing Liam's back. "I just hate this so much," Liam cried into Louis shoulder. "Shh, Li. It's okay! Harry is right. It's going to feel so much better after we get it fixed. We are going to be right here the whole time, babe. We won't let him hurt you," Louis said, and the dentist walked in right about that time.

"Hi boys!" he said as he grabbed Liam's files and sat down. "Are you okay, Liam?" he asked seeing how upset Liam looked. "He's just scared," Zayn answered for him. "There's no reason to be scared! We will take it one step at a time," the dentist said. "Why don't we start by laying your chair back, and I'll go over your files?" the dentist asked making sure Liam felt comfortable. Louis pulled away from hugging Liam to look at him, and Liam nodded tearfully. "Okay!" the dentist said just sitting his chair back, and Niall held his hand. "Okay, I'm just going to look over your x-rays and stuff, so you can relax," the dentist smiled, and the boys all stood around him giving him words of encouragement and comfort. "Okay, so it looks as if you will need a root canal and four fillings," the dentist said, and the news made Liam shutter in fear. "I promise, it's just going to be a little bit of numbing, and you won't feel a thing after that," the dentist said, and rolled his chair over to start getting the syringes ready. "Do I have to?" Liam asked as fear rose in him again. "Yes, baby. We are right here, you're okay!" Harry said rubbing Liam's shoulder.

The dentist rolled himself back over to Liam and put his gear on. "Okay, Liam. We are going to take baby steps, remember?" he asked, and Liam nodded as he eyeballed the needles. "Okay, so first step. Boys, you can do whatever you need to make him feel comfortable," the dentist said, and the boys all found a place to put a hand on Liam; Niall had his hand, Harry had a hand on his shoulder, Zayn on his knee, and Louis had his other hand as best he could while staying out of the dentist's way. "Okay, next step, we are just going to pick the needle up," he said, and Liam started getting nervous. "Alright, step three, open your mouth," the dentist instructed, and Liam looked to the boys. "It's okay, Liam," Louis said, and Liam went ahead and opened his mouth. "Great. Now, I want you to take a few deep breaths for me," the dentist said, and Liam did as he was told. Before Liam knew it, the dentist had administered the first needle, and Liam only flinched a little. "See, not so bad!" the dentist said, and Liam let him do the last few.

Liam was done not too long after, and the boys took him home. Liam was exhausted, and Zayn covered him up after he laid down on the couch. "Do you need anything, Liam?" Louis asked as Harry walked in with medicine and water for a very sore Liam. "Just for you guys to be with me," Liam said as he sat up to take the medicine before laying back down. "Okay, babe," Zayn said, and he sat on the other end of the couch and rubbed Liam's leg as Liam started to shut his eyes. Later that night, the boys brought Liam ice cream, and they made sure that he was never in any pain, and was getting plenty of rest. Liam hated that he had to go to the dentist, but was happy that he had the best boyfriends in the world.

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