Liam's Dental Catastrophe (Request for VictoriaVanorden2)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

It was no secret to the boys of One Direction that their boyfriend, Liam, was terribly afraid of dentists and needles. He had been in horrible pain though, and they finally coaxed him into going to the dentist where they were informed that he would be needing eight root canals, four fillings, and two teeth pulled. When Liam heard, he felt like he was under water- he couldn't breathe and his ears were ringing. They had decided to have him come in a couple of days later, because they were going to have to have plenty of time to get all of the work done, and here they sat in the office. Liam was all but falling apart; he couldn't breathe, his knees were bouncing, his heart was pounding, his hands were shaking, and his stomach was in knots. It had taken all four of the boys to get Liam to the dentist that morning, and they were all keeping a close eye to make sure he didn't try and bolt. Liam was currently tucked into Harry's side, Zayn had a hand on his knee, and Louis and Niall were taking any chance to comfort him as well. Harry was humming lightly to him as he ran his hands through his nervous boyfriend's hair. "Liam?" the dental assistant said, and Liam could fear tears threatening to spill out of his eyes. "It's alright, baby," Harry said kissing Liam's cheek before standing up, and helping Liam stand up too. Liam could barely hold himself up he was so nervous, so Louis kept a reassuring hand on his back to help steady him.

"Okay, so we will just have you lay down in the chair," the assistant said, and Louis helped make sure Liam got into the chair. "I'm sick to my stomach," Liam said feeling like he may throw up any second. "Hey, you're okay. Take a deep breath," Niall instructed. "Can we get him some water?" Zayn smiled and the assistant was quick to get him a small cup full. "Here we go," Harry said taking it from the lady and helping Liam drink it while Louis rubbed Liam's shoulders. "How's that?" Louis asked and Liam leaned back, and started feeling a little better. "I'm okay now," Liam said but he was still panicking. "Okay, the dentist will be right in," the dentist assistant said after setting everything up, and she left. "Guys, I can't do this," Liam said as his face got pale again. "Liam, please relax," Niall pleaded and the dentist walked in right then. "Hey guys! Ready for today, Liam?" the dentist asked and Liam shook his head 'no'. "It'll be okay! You've got this," the dentist said and Liam didn't believe a word he was saying. "Let's get started," he said wasting no time, and going to numb Liam. "No! I can't, I can't!" Liam said and tried to get up from the chair, but all of the boys were quick to spring into action. Zayn gently sat Liam back in the chair, Harry held his hand, Louis grabbed his other hand, and Niall laid a hand on his knee. Liam realized he wasn't getting out of this one, and immediately broke down into tears. "Shh, Li. It's okay, just breathe," Louis said and Liam did his very best to do as he was told. The second he calmed down, the dentist started numbing him. "You're doing so good," the dentist said a few needles later, and the boys kept giving him reassuring words and comforting touches. "Okay! You're all numbed up!" the dentist said getting started on the long list of procedures they had to tackle. Liam sighed in minor relief, but he was still shaking like a leaf.

The dentist worked quickly to get the root canals done, and then gave Liam a short break before moving on to the fillings. "Still doing alright, Liam?" the dentist asked after doing two fillings, and Liam just nodded. "You're doing great, we are knocking things off the list quicker than I thought," the dentist said and got back to work. "Okay, now we just have to take those back teeth out that are bothering you," the dentist said and looked to make sure nothing else needed to be done, and was upset when he found that six more teeth needed to be pulled. "Well, I have some bad news," the dentist prefaced and Liam opened his eyes wide. "You need six more teeth pulled. I didn't see them before," the dentist announced sadly, and tears started streaming down Liam's face. "Li, you're doing so good! It's going to be okay," Harry said and Zayn wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks. "We are going to numb you a little more, and then we will get straight to getting these out," the dentist said, and the boys made sure to comfort Liam while the other needles were being administered.

Finally after hours, they got all of the work needed in Liam's mouth done. "Okay, Liam. You're free to go home," the dentist said as he cleaned up. "Thank you," the boys said before taking Liam home and taking really good care of him, and giving him plenty of cuddles for the next week until he was back to normal.

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