Zianourry Dentist Appointment Part Two (Request for VictoriaVandorden2)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!!

Niall fell asleep on Louis' shoulder on the way home, and the boys all felt horrible that Niall had to deal with so much. They knew how much Niall feared needles and the dentist, and they hated that he had to have more dental work. "Ni, we are home," Louis said as he rubbed Niall's shoulder to wake him up. "Hmm," Niall sounded before rubbing his eyes and looking around. "Ready to go in and lay down?" Harry smiled as he opened the car door, and Niall nodded. Harry leaned over and easily picked up his Irish boyfriend, and led him into their house to lay on the couch. "Go back to sleep, babe," Liam said as he walked in after Harry got him laid down and covered him up. Zayn sat on the other couch, and Niall reached for his boyfriend and Zayn chuckled at how cute Niall was as he got up, and Niall laid his head in Zayn's lap as he played with his hair, which soothed Niall to sleep.

Niall slept for about two hours when he was woken with throbbing pain in his jaw. "Ow," he said as he took his hand up to his cheek. "Hurting, baby?" Zayn asked as he noticed Niall had woken up. "Mhm," Niall agreed and Liam hopped up to get him the medicine they had already sat out to help for the pain. "Thank you," Niall said as he leaned up and swallowed the medicine gladly. "No problem, Ni!" Liam said. "Harry is making some soup, are you hungry?" Louis asked Niall. "Yeah, a little," he said feeling his stomach growling, and Louis went to go see how close Harry was to being done. "Here you go, Ni. It's hot," Harry said walking in with a bowl of fresh soup. "Thanks, Haz," Niall said trying not to talk too much. "Want me to feed it to you?" Harry asked as he sat down next to Niall. "No, thank you," Niall said as he ate the soup, but Harry could tell that Niall was exhausted from getting everything done that day. "Here, let me help you," Harry smiled and Niall nodded as he yawned. Harry fed Niall the soup, and Niall thanked him once he had finished. "No problem, love!" Harry said taking the bowl to the kitchen sink. "Are you feeling better?" Louis asked from the other couch. "It still hurts," Niall admitted and Louis nodded before patting his lap. Niall made his way to the other couch, and laid his head down in Louis' lap. Louis rubbed gentle circles onto Niall's cheeks, and Niall was back asleep in no time.

Niall slept for another hour or so, and the boys watched TV as they waited for him to wake back up. His eyes fluttered open, and Louis smiled down at him as he ran a hand through his hair. "Look who is awake," Louis said, and Niall smiled lightly at him as he tucked his face into Louis hoodie. "Are you feeling a little better?" Liam asked his boyfriend. "Little. My head isn't pounding anymore, my mouth is just a little sore," he explained and they nodded. "It's about time for bed, do you wanna go on up?" Zayn asked and he nodded knowing he could fall back asleep any second. "Okay, love," Harry said sitting up and picking his boyfriend up and carrying him up the stairs as all of the other boys followed. "Goodnight Nialler," they said as they all snuggled close in their shared bed. "Night!" he said thankful to have such great boyfriends to take care of him.

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