Braces and a Boyfriend (Request for KristynY20)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

Kristyn was currently in the dentist office for her six-month cleaning, and her dentist was looking at her x-rays while checking her bite. "I think you may need braces, because of your small overbite," the dentist explained as he examined her. "Okay," Kristyn said back to him while he leaned her up. "I have a referral to a great orthodontist, his name is Dr. Horan. Let me give you his information," the dentist said getting out a sticky note, and writing everything down. "You can just make a consultation appointment with them, and go from there," he smiled and Kristyn took the paper. "Thank you!" she smiled as she stood to leave the office. "No problem at all!" he said as Kristyn walked out and drove herself home. As she walked in the door, her parents greeted her where they were having a snack at the kitchen table. "Hey! How'd the appointment go?" her mom asked as Kristyn walked over and grabbed a grape out of the bowl that was sitting there. "Good. He said I may need braces though due to my small overbite," she explained as she pulled up a chair. "Well, if you need them we will pay, since our insurance will cover all of the expenses of them," her dad said looking up from his phone. "Yes!" her mom agreed, and Kristyn nodded. "Thank you, guys! I'll go make an appointment," Kristyn said as she walked into the other room to call the office. She looked at the number on the paper as she listened to the rings. "Dr. Horan's office, how may I help you?" a lady answered sweetly over the phone. "Hi! My name is Kristyn. I was referred to Dr. Horan by my dentist for a consultation appointment, because I may need braces," Kristyn explained to the lady. "Okay! I can get you in tomorrow if that's okay," she said and Kristyn knew her day was clear. "Sounds great!" she said getting the details of the appointment. 

The next day, Kristyn headed to Dr. Horan's office and signed herself in, and then she sat in the waiting room to be called. "Kristyn?" a dental assistant said as she opened the door. Kristyn stood and followed her down the hall. "How are you today?" the lady asked as she led Kristyn to a room. "Good. You?" Kristyn asked as they made small talk. "I'm good, thank you! I'm going to start off by getting some pictures of your teeth, as well as some x-rays, so Dr. Horan can see your overbite better," she said and had Kristyn sit on the dental chair. "Okay," Kristyn said as the lady got the x-rays. "Okay, all done here," the dental assistant said as she had Kristyn follow her to an exam room. The assistant and Kristyn walked in, and Kristyn sat down in the dental chair as they waited for Dr. Horan. Shortly after, the door opened and Dr. Horan came walking in. "Hi, I'm Dr. Horan! You can call me Niall," he said reaching to shake Kristyn's hand. "I'm Kristyn," she smiled as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you!" he said as he sat down on his stool. "Alright, let's look here," he said taking a look at her x-rays. "Okay! Can I have you open up for me?" he asked and Kristyn opened her mouth for him to see. Kristyn opened her mouth, and couldn't help but notice how beautiful blue Niall's eyes were. She caught herself staring into his eyes for a moment, and Niall noticed and smiled. "Okay, so you do need braces," he said as he finished examining her. "I actually have a few things for you to look at if you want to come sit over here," he said as he pushed his stool over to the computer in the room, and Kristyn couldn't smile at him doing it in one swift motion. She moved over to sit in the chair next to him, and he pulled up some things on the computer. "So we have three basic options here," he said clicking through what options she had, and Kristyn weighed her options, but decided on the clear braces. "I'll go with the clear ones," she said and Niall nodded in approval. "Great choice!" he said as he turned to look at her. "Alright, so we can go ahead and get you scheduled to get them on," he said pulling the calendar with all of the open appointments on it. "So, we could get you in next week," he said scrolling over the open days with the mouse, and Kristyn and him set the appointment time. "Alright, I'll see you next week," he said as she started to walk out. "See you then!" she said driving home.

The next week, Kristyn came in to get her braces put on. She was taken back, and the assistant set her and everything up to get started. Kristyn played on her phone as she waited for Niall, and smiled looking up when he walked in. "Hey Kristyn!" he said as he came in, and put his gloves on. "Hey!" she said back to him. "Todays the day!" he said and Kristyn laughed. "Yep!" she said as he leaned the chair back. "Well, I'll get started on cleaning your teeth first, if you are ready," he said and she nodded. "Great!" he said and started cleaning her teeth really well. "Alrighty, time to put the braces on," he smiled and put the cheek retractor in Kristyn's mouth. Niall worked to get the braces on, and finished up about 30 minutes later. "Okay, Kristyn! You're all done!" he said leaning the chair up, and handing her a mirror to look at them. "Awesome!" she said as she studied them in the mirror. "Let me give you my number, just in case you have any questions or concerns, or if anything happens to them," Niall said telling her his number, and she added it in her phone. "Thank you!" she said as she stood to leave. "No problem!" he said as she walked out. 

Once Kristyn had gotten home, she walked into the living room where her parents were sitting. "I'm home," she said as she sat her keys on the table. "Hey! Let's see the braces!" her mom said as they turned around excitedly. Kristyn smiled wide, and they smiled back at her. "They look good, Kristyn!" her mom said and her dad nodded. "They do!" he added and she smiled at them. "Thank you! I'm going to go take a nap," she said before running up the stairs and climbing in her bed for a much needed nap. Kristyn was sleeping soundly when she could hear her phone ringing. She grabbed her phone, and answered it when she realized it was Niall calling. "Hello?" she said with a smile as she answered. "Hey Kristyn! It's Niall. I was calling to see how everything was going, and to check up on you," he said to her through the phone. "Everything's good! They are a little sore, but nothing too serious. Thank you for calling!" she said in answer to him. "No worries! I'm glad everything is going good so far! Give me a call if you need!" he said and she thanked him, and they said their goodbyes. 

A month later, Kristyn went to her appointment for a tightening. She walked in and was taken back fairly quickly. "Hey there!" Niall said as he made his way into the room. "Hi!" she said and he wasted no time getting her new tighter wire on, as well as some power chains. "You're all done!" he said and Kristyn checked her phone. "Wow, that was quick!" she said as he sat her up. "They don't take too long to get tightened," he explained with a smile. "Awesome!" she said as she started to sit up, and get off the chair. "Before you leave, would you like to go out with me?" the young orthodontist asked, and she was so excited to hear those words come out of his mouth. "Yes!" she said back to him. "Okay, great! I'll get text you, and we will work something out!" he said as she left with an "okay!" Niall texted her that night, and they planned out something for the next date. Kristyn and Niall went on several dates during the month before her next braces tightening, and they really liked each other. 

It was finally time for Kristyn to get a tightening, and she headed back to the office. "Hey babe!" Niall said walking in. "Hey!" Kristyn said excited to see her boyfriend. Niall got to work on getting Kristyn's braces tightened, and then patted her shoulder when he was leaning her up. "Thank you!" she smiled and he nodded to say "you're welcome." "So, I was's been a really great month of dates and I really really like would you feel about being my girlfriend?" he asked and Kristyn smiled at him. "Yes!" she answered him back, and Niall kissed her. 

Kristyn and Niall's relationship grew stronger and better as they kept going on dates and falling in love, and as she continued to go get her braces tightened every month. Before she knew it, Kristyn was sitting in the chair waiting to get her braces taken off. "Ready?" Niall smiled as he walked in the room. "Of course!" she said as he leaned her back. "Well, let's get started then, shall we?" he laughed as he started to remove her braces. It always felt kind of weird that it was Kristyn's boyfriend that was doing all her dental work, but she didn't trust anyone else at that point. After he got them taken off and cleaned really well, he handed her a mirror to look at her new smile. "I love them!" she said as she inspected her new smile. "They look great, babe!" Niall said taking his gloves off. "Thank you, babe!" Kristyn said as she kept smiling while she looked at them some more. "Of course! I'm done for the day, let's go celebrate!" Niall said and Kristyn nodded happily.

Niall took Kristyn to dinner to celebrate, and then they went for a walk in the park. As they walked around the area, they were laughing and having a great time when all of a sudden Niall kneeled down on the ground, and Kristyn was confused as to what he was doing. "Kristyn, from the moment I met you, I have absolutely been in love with you! I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else, will you marry me?" Niall asked and Kristyn was so excited. "Of course!" she said and Niall got up and kissed her. Shortly after, they got married and spent the rest of their lives together happily. 

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