Bela's New Dentists continued...(Request for johnwatsonisbae)

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Prompt: Now that Bela has Harry and Louis as her new dentists, they are able to help her more now. That comes in handy when it is time for Bela to have her wisdom teeth removed, and she is super scared. As she is healing, all the other members are doing the famous rollercoaster interview, and Bela wants to, but can't due to just having surgery. She begged and tried to convince them that she can, but she doesn't win the fight, and they take her to get some ice cream to make up for it, and promise to take her on a rollercoaster when she is better again. 

Bela knew something wasn't right when her teeth started hurting again. She knew she needed to go straight to Harry and Louis, and trusted them a little more now. "Boys, my teeth are killing me," Bela admitted and Harry and Louis took her to a dentist office after hours to get a better look. After x-rays and a short exam, they concluded that she was due to have her wisdom teeth removed. "My wisdom teeth?" she asked starting to get a little nervous. "Yes, but this will be a piece of cake. You'll have to rest for a few days though. No strenuous activity," they explained and she agreed. They started to lay the seat back, and set up the tools they needed. Bela felt the familiar rolling of her stomach. "We are going to put you to sleep," the boys explained and she felt better that she would at least be asleep during the initial procedure. "Alright, you just hang tight," Louis said pulling an oxygen mask on over her nose. To help keep her as calm as possible, the boys kept encouraging her that it would be over and done quickly. "Okay Bela, you just relax as best you can, and we are going to give you an IV to help you fall asleep," Harry said and Bela was apprehensive but nodded. "Okay, take a breath for me," Louis said and inserted the needle into her vein. Before she knew it, she was out. 

The next thing Bela knew, she was up and asleep in the hotel room bedroom they were all squeezed into. "How are you feeling?" Niall asked his little sister when she finally woke up. "I am sore," Bela said through gauze and ice packs. The band was at an amusement park to do the famous rollercoaster interview, and some other concerts, and promos. "I feel like I have been hit by a bus," Bela said sitting up to take the medicine Niall brought her. "You just need to focus on resting, we have the interviews tomorrow," Niall informed and Bela spent the rest of the day sleeping and resting. 

The next day, the band had to be up bright and early. Niall, Harry, Louis, and Liam prepared for the day and started getting ready. Niall went to wake up Bela up, and see how she was doing. He saw that her cheeks were still very swollen, and she looked almost pained as she slept. Niall nudged Bela to wake her up. Bela woke up a few minutes later, and it was obvious she was in tremendous pain. She rubbed her face as she woke up, and groaned in pain. "That bad?" Niall asked knowing she would be upset if she missed the days events. "Yes," Bela admitted knowing it would cost her. "Bela, maybe you should sit today out," Liam suggested after a while of seeing how much pain she was in. "No! I can do it," she said trying to make herself feel better. "We will give it a few hours and see how you're doing later," Niall said. 

After several hours of waiting, Bela got no better. She honestly felt worse if she was being honest. "Please! I can do it!" she pleaded but she knew they weren't going to budge. "Come on guys," she begged further. The boys thought about it, but knew it wasn't a good idea. "Please let me," she said with one final plea. "Bela, we just don't think it's a good idea. You are feeling bad, and you need to rest! If you overdo it, you could get sick," Harry reasoned. "But-" she said feeling tears well in her eyes. "No Bela, it's just not worth taking the chance," Niall said stepping up to tell his little sister. He hated to be the bearer of bad news, but he knew it was for the best. 

The boys all took turns giving Bela a hug and kiss on the cheek as they left to do the interview. She was very angry, and she had to just sit and watch. She was miserable, and she felt like crying. She wanted nothing more than to get to participate in the fun day, but that was rained on by her stupid surgery. She folded her arms and watched her bandmates have fun. When the boys got off from the rollercoaster, they all filed back into the room. They vowed to make sure Bela had a fun day, even though she couldn't do too much. "Alright Bela, let's go have some fun," the boys said and she smiled and felt a little better. "Here you go," Niall said handing her some ice cream knowing it would help the pain, and make her a little happier. "Thank you!" she said already feeling somewhat better. For the remainder of the day, they went around the park enjoying the sights and making sure Bela felt good, promising to take her to ride a rollercoaster as soon as she was well again. 

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