I Feel So Bad, Baby! (Request for KristynY20)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

Niall and Kristyn were engaged, and she had been consumed by all the wedding planning. It was literally all she had done in her free time. The closer it got, the more stressed she became, and was working like a mad woman to get everything done in time. Kristyn finally took a break from doing all of it, because she and Niall had appointments to get their clear braces tightened. She worked up until the last possible second, and then rushed to brush her teeth when she got a text that Niall was there. She ran out to his car, and opened the door quickly. "Hey, babe! Sorry, I was running late with all the planning and stuff!" Kristyn said as she sat in the seat. "That's alright!" Niall said and handed her a bouquet of blue roses. "What's the occasion?" she asked with a smile at his gesture. "It's our one year anniversary of getting engaged," Niall replied to her. "Oh my gosh! I feel so bad, baby! I totally forgot! I'm an awful fiancée, I shouldn't have forgotten," Kristyn said feeling horrible that she had forgotten the date. "I understand! I know that you've been stressed with wedding planning! It's not a big deal at all, baby," Niall said completely understanding the situation. Kristyn still felt awful about it though, regardless. "It's not an excuse, I shouldn't have forgotten," Kristyn said looking down at her hands. "Don't worry about it, babe! It's okay!" Niall said knowing she was stressed with everything going on.

After the drive, Niall pulled into the dentist office parking lot. The two of them signed in, and were taken back pretty quickly after getting there. Kristyn sat in the chair as Dr. Todd walked in the room. "Hey guys!" Dr. Todd greeted as he walked in. "Hey!" the other two greeted back. "Are you both doing well?" Dr. Todd asked as he leaned Kristyn back. "Sure! How are you?" Niall and Kristyn replied. "Pretty good!" Dr. Todd said getting his tools. "Alright, Kristyn, I'm just going to look at everything first," Dr. Todd said and Kristyn opened her mouth. "Alright! So today, I'd like to get some brackets put on your back molars, since your other orthodontist that put your braces on didn't put any on the back molars," Dr. Todd announced as he sat the tools aside. Kristyn groaned, she didn't want to have any work done. She just wanted to get the tightening done quickly and go back home to finish tackling the long list of things she had to get done. "Alright, that's fine," she said anyway giving him the go ahead. "Great!" he said as he grabbed the cheek retractor, and started to clean her back teeth. After a thorough cleaning, he started to put brackets on her back molars. Niall had sat himself next to her, and was holding her hand during it. Kristyn noticed how closely Niall was watching Dr. Todd, and she smiled internally at his cuteness in the moment. "Great job! Okay, now I'm just going to put the wire on, and I'll give you two power chains, and then I'll be done with you," Dr. Todd smiled and Kristyn nodded as he started.

After he applied everything, Niall swapped spots with Kristyn. "Alright, Niall. I'm just going to check everything out first," Dr. Todd explained just like he had done to Kristyn first. "Sounds good!" Niall said as he opened his mouth, and he let Dr. Todd start looking. "Hmm...well, it looks like a couple of your brackets have fell off," Dr. Todd said as he examined Niall's braces. "Really? I didn't even notice!" Niall said surprised at the news. "Yep! But, I'll just put two more on, it's an easy fix," Dr. Todd said smiling and grabbing another cheek retractor. "Alright, I'll just get this fixed, and have you right out," Dr. Todd said and Niall reached for Kristyn's hand when Dr. Todd started. He cleaned the area, laid the glue down, and then made sure the brackets were nice and secure. "Okay! I'll just tighten your braces, and you are free to go," Dr. Todd said getting the wire, and then applying two power chains. "Okay, you two! You're all set," Dr. Todd said sitting Niall up after finishing his tightening. "Thanks, doc!" Niall said and Kristyn said her goodbyes, and they headed back to Niall's car to drive back to her parent's home.

After they arrived back at the house, Kristyn and Niall walked in and sat on the couch. "Let's go on a date night," Niall smiled from the other side of the couch. "Okay!" Kristyn said slipping her shoes back on, and they ran out to his car. They went to their favorite restaurant, Applebee's, and got it to-go. Niall drove them to the spot they had went on their first date, the park. They enjoyed their meals, and then Niall moved to stand up. "I want to play you something," Niall said as he started walking to his car close by, and retrieved his guitar out of the trunk. "Ready?" he asked sitting back next to her. "Of course!" Kristyn said, and Niall started playing "Black and White." "Babe, that is beautiful!" Kristyn cheered on after he finished playing the song. She absolutely loved the song. "Thank you, babe!" Niall smiled as he sat his guitar to the side. "We are making that our wedding song!" she beamed, completely in love with the song. "Okay!" Niall said with a laugh. Niall snuggled in closer to Kristyn afterward, and they cuddled on the blanket as they watched the beautiful sunset before them.

"I had a great time!" Kristyn said as they walked back into her parent's house. "I did too!" Niall said spinning her around, and kissing her gently. "You know what else would be fun?" Kristyn asked after he pulled away a little. "What's that, babe?" Niall asked with a grin. "The hot tub! Last one there is a rotten egg!" Kristyn said taking off toward her bedroom to get her bathing suit on. "Hey! That's not fair, you got a head start!" Niall laughed loudly as he ran up the stairs behind her to get his own bathing suit on, and head down to the hot tub. The two of them sat in the hot tub for a while, and Niall helped Kristyn plan some more of their wedding. After they got back in from the hot tub, they crossed the things they decided on off the long list, and started booking a bunch of things. "I feel so accomplished," Kristyn said yawning. "I do too! We got a lot done today!" Niall said looking at the huge dent they had made in the list of things needing to be done. "Niall, you can spend the night if you want to!" Kristyn's mom said as she walked down the stairs to get a glass of water. "Absolutely!" Kristyn's dad added following her down the stairs. Niall looked at the time on his phone, and didn't even realize how late it was since he was having so much fun. "Thank you, guys!" he said and Kristyn stood up. "Well, I'm getting tired. Let's go to bed," she said and Niall agreed exhausted from the day. Once in Kristyn's room, they got situated, and Niall pulled Kristyn as closely as he could. "Gosh, I love you so much!" he said looking at her. "I love you!" she said back as they cuddled for the rest of the night, and fell asleep in each other's arms.

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