This Can't Be Real (Request for KristynY20)

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Note: I hope everyone is doing well! I hope you are all practicing healthy habits and social distancing! We will get through this! Much love!

Kristyn hadn't met Niall very long ago at all; however, you'd never know that from how they acted around each other. Niall and Kristyn clicked immediately! Even though they had just started dating, you would have thought they had been together for years. They were instantly inseparable, and Kristyn and Niall were the most happy they had ever been. Everyone was constantly making compliments on how cute they were, how happy they seemed to make each other, and how well people noticed the two of them gelled together instantly...well, everyone except the fans, that is. The fans were jealous of Kristyn and Niall's relationship right off the bat, and couldn't stand to think Niall was with someone. Despite not being together that long, Niall and Kristyn went public with their relationship pretty quickly, because it was hard to hide to be honest. Niall and Kristyn were so truly happy, even though it was the beginning of their relationship, that they wanted to scream it from the rooftops, and show each other off. But as fate would have it, it didn't take long at all for rumors to start circulating after they told everyone they were together. 

One day, Kristyn had went out to enjoy some time with one of her friends. Kristyn had texted Niall that morning that she was going out, and that she would be home around 3:00pm, and would call him. She hadn't stopped thinking about him all day, and was ready to call him as she walked in her house after hanging out with her friend. She was humming one of Niall's songs, and she closed the door behind her as she announced she was home to her parents. Kristyn didn't get a reply, so when she walked into the living room, she was caught off guard by their solemn looks. "Hey!" she said cheerfully, but her mood shifted the moment her parents gave her an unsettling half smile, and she knew something was wrong. "Hey, honey...sit down. We have to talk about something," her mom said gently, and Kristyn's heart started pounding. "We were out today, and we happened to run across something we think you'll want to see," her dad said leaning over to the coffee table to grab a magazine. He handed her the magazine, and Kristyn looked at him confused. He motioned toward the front cover, and that's when Kristyn saw at. Her heart shattered into a million pieces as she read the headline that was plastered across the top of it, "NIALL HORAN CHEATS ON NEW GIRLFRIEND." Kristyn was physically sick as she read the words over and over in shock, and examined the photo of him holding another girl's hand. "This can't be real," she muttered just loud enough for her parents to hear. Kristyn hadn't known him long, but she would've never thought in a million years that her sweet boyfriend that she had fallen head-over-heels for would've ever done something like this. "We are so sorry, Kristyn," her mom said, but Kristyn just shook her head in disbelief. She was in such shock that she was left speechless, and she ran to her room in tears. Kristyn slammed the door shut behind her as what was once silent tears had now turned into uncontrollable sobs. All she could do was question how he could do such a thing in her head over and over again. All of the sweet good morning texts, the late night calls, the dates, the pictures, the heart-to-hearts, the crazy similarities they shared, everything, all of it had just been lies. Kristyn was in absolute denial. Her stomach was turning, her head was pounding, and her whole body was sore from sucking in unsteady breaths as the tears and sobs kept coming. Kristyn made her way to her bed, and lost everything else she had been holding within her as her face hit the pillow, and her cries and sobs somehow got unbelievably worse. She laid there in his hoodie she had worn out to hang with her friend; he had let her wear it on the last date they had gone on, because it was cold and Kristyn was shivering as they walked through the park that night. A sweet gesture that made Kristyn fall for him even more that night, especially when he told her to wear it home. It smelled like him, and Kristyn loved it, so she had been wearing it pretty much non-stop since she had gotten it a few days prior. Kristyn rolled over on her side, and saw the picture frame of their very first picture that they had taken together. It was a candid picture that his friend had taken, he was holding her in a hug and was grinning from ear-to-ear as she was kissing him on the cheek with her arms wrapped loosely around his neck. It was taken off guard, but it was special to them, because it was their first official photo together, and it was a really cute depiction of how truly happy they made each other. She turned the picture over, because she couldn't stand to look at it. 

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