This Can't Be Happening Again! (Request for KristynY20)

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Hope you are all well! Much love!

Niall Horan and Kristyn were engaged, and they were currently having to do a long distance relationship; Kristyn in Nashville, Niall is London. This was something that was hard on the both of them, because they missed each other so much. One day, Kristyn was enjoying sitting on the couch and watching her favorite TV show. All of a sudden, Kristyn heard her phone ding beside her. She looked down at it, and smiled when she saw it was a text from her friend. She smiled until she opened the text, and she saw the horrendous photo her friend had sent her. There it was, Niall with some other girl, and the headline "Niall cheats on fiancé!" plastered across the top of the screenshot. In that moment, Kristyn felt her heart drop and she felt sick. She read it over and over again trying to process what her eyes were looking at, and her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. "What?" she whispered to herself. She stared at the picture for a good few seconds in complete and utter shock before she cleared out of the text, and went onto Twitter to see what was being said. Sure enough, as soon as she opened the app she saw the #1 trending hashtag, and it was #Niallcheatsonfiance. When Kristyn saw that, she thought she could throw up it made her so sick to look at. Kristyn didn't need to see anymore, and she closed out the app as she felt tears start rolling down her face. She looked down at the engagement ring that sat on her finger that she had once been absolutely in love with, and took it off. She couldn't bare to look at it. She ran up to her room, and she went straight over to the drawer that she didn't open very often, and put it in there. She closed the drawer, and fell onto the bed and let out all of her emotions. Kristyn was sobbing when she heard her phone ring. She huffed as she looked at it, and saw it was Niall. Kristyn didn't answer, and started to cry more. Kristyn tried her best to ignore Niall, but he kept calling over and over again. Kristyn finally had enough of him calling, and she gathered herself before answering the phone. She heard Niall start to make a noise on the line to say "hi," but she cut him off before he could get the chance. "Engagements off," Kristyn said simply as she hung up. Niall's heart was racing a million miles a minute at the words he had just heard. He was so confused as to what could've changed Kristyn's mind about getting married, and he texted her. He texted her a few times, and he got no answer. He realized that his Twitter notifications were more than they normally were, so he opened up the app, and that's when he saw it. #Niallcheatsonfiance was all over his Twitter feed, and he felt his knees get weak. "Oh my gosh," he said to himself as tears began to well in his eyes. Niall loved his job, but all of these rumors and stuff made up really upset him, especially things like this, because he would absolutely never cheat on Kristyn! He loved her, and would never do that to her. He went straight to his profile, and he tweeted, "Can't believe this happened again! Why can't you guys just be happy for me?!?!" He threw his phone at the other side of the room as he flipped through some of the things and pictures, and he was so fed up. "I can't believe this," he said as he had a stream of tears start coming down his face. He sat for a while trying to think of anything he could do to prove to Kristyn it wasn't true, and then he got an idea to get a flight out to Nashville and talk to her in person. Niall got a flight booked, and the very next morning he was on a flight to Nashville. 

Kristyn rolled out of bed the next morning, and walked down the stairs. Tear stains were still on her face, and her nose and her eyes were sore from crying so much all night. "Morning, hun," Kristyn's mom said as she saw her daughter walking down the stairs, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Huh. I wonder who that could be," her mom said with a confused look as she walked over to the door. She opened it and there stood Niall. His messy hair was tucked into a beanie, his face was beet red, and it was very evident he had been crying all night too. Sobs were coming from him, and Kristyn's mom looked at him sympathetically. ", co-could I-I se-e Kr-Kristyn, p-please?" Niall asked through sobs, and Kristyn's mom looked back at the stairs where Kristyn was standing. Kristyn knew it was Niall, and she mouthed "no" to her mom, and her mom nodded. "Niall, Kristyn is still trying to process it all, and that she doesn't wanna see you right now," Kristyn's mom told Niall, and Niall nodded as her mom shut the door. Kristyn ran up to her room as her mom turned around, and Kristyn looked out her window. She watched as Niall's car pulled out, and another wave of hurt washed over her as she sat on her bed. Kristyn couldn't hold back her sobs as her mom walked in, and sat next to her on the bed and held her daughter close as Kristyn cried in her arms. "I thought he would've learned," Kristyn said as her sobs started to soften into just tears. "Sweetie, I don't think he cheated on you. Niall's a smart guy, and when he asked to talk to you he could barely get his words out, because he was crying so much," Kristyn's mom said to her in reply. "Really?" Kristyn asked as she looked at her mom. "Yes...I think you need to go talk to him," she said and Kristyn nodded as she sniffled once again, and her mom gave her one last hug. Kristyn made her way over to the drawer she stuck her engagement ring in, and grabbed her keys as she made her way to her car. Kristyn drove to Niall's hotel, already knowing exactly which it was, because he always stayed in the same hotel when he went to Nashville on tour. 

Kristyn sighed as she pulled into the hotel, and parked her car. Her heart was pounding, and she could feel herself getting nervous to see Niall. When she walked in, everyone knew her and greeted her. "Hi, Kristyn! How can I help you?" the receptionist asked. "Hi! Could you tell me what room Niall is in?" she asked as she wiped the sweat off her hands. "Yes! He is in room 309," the receptionist smiled. "Thank you!" Kristyn said as she got into the elevator, and made her way to his room. She walked down the hall until she saw '309,' and she stopped. Kristyn took a breath, and knocked on the door. When Niall heard the knock at the door, he figured it was just someone from the hotel. He moped over to the door, and opened it and was surprisingly greeted by Kristyn. When Niall saw her, he busted into tears and engulfed her into a giant hug. They stood and hugged for several seconds, and by this point they were both crying. "Come in," Niall said as he pulled away, and grabbed her hand to lead her in. "Kristyn, I promise, that photo is photoshopped. I cannot believe people would do this again. I don't understand why they can't be happy for me. I finally found the girl of my dreams, and they want to mess it up. I would never ever cheat on you, Kristyn. Never!" Niall said as more tears spilled down his face, and Kristyn smiled gently at him. "I believe you, Niall," Kristyn said and Niall took a breath as he looked down to gather his thoughts, but he noticed that Kristyn's engagement ring was off. "Your ring...what did you do with it?" Niall asked as his heart broke even more that it wasn't on Kristyn's finger. "I have it," she said pulling it out of her pocket, and sitting it in his hand. "Kristyn, can we please get back together?" Niall asked as he held the ring tight in his hand. "Yes, babe," Kristyn said knowing that Niall would never cheat on her. Niall smiled and sighed a breath of relief as he went to put the ring back on Kristyn's finger, but he stopped himself abruptly. "Wait! We have to do this right!" Niall said hopping off the bed, and getting down on one knee. "Kristyn, will you marry me?" Niall said remaking their proposal in the room. "Of course!" Kristyn said with a laugh as he put it back on her, and joined her in laughing. "Now, it's back in it's rightful place...oh! Speaking of which, I brought your bathing suit back that you left at my house!" Niall said remembering as he walked to his suitcase, and grabbed it to hand to her. "Do you want to go swimming?" he asked with a smile as she took it from him. "Sure!" Kristyn said, and they put on their swimsuits and went down to the pool. 

Niall and Kristyn enjoyed their swim and had a great time being reunited with each other. After a while, it started getting late and cold, so they decided to head back up to the hotel room. "Kristyn, would you like to spend the night with me?" Niall asked hopeful. "Yes!" Kristyn said back grabbing her phone to tell her mom what was going on. Kristyn texted her mom, "Everything is fine now! We are back to normal, I'm going to stay the night with Niall." And a few minutes later, her mom replied with, "Great! Okay!" Niall laid down on the bed and reached for Kristyn to cuddle with him. "I love you so so much. I would never ever cheat on you. I would be so stupid to ever do that, because you are the best thing that ever happened to me, babe. I love you more than anything on this planet," Niall said as he held Kristyn close. "I love you too, Niall. I know you'd never hurt me. I'm sorry that you have to deal with people making those kinds of rumors up!" Kristyn replied, and Niall kissed her in response and pulled her even closer. The two of them were very happy to be back in each others arms, and to have everything sorted out. Three months later, the two of them got married and happily spent every single day together. They worked everything out, and even sued the magazine company that came up with the horrendous rumor, and they went out of business. They made quite the team, and no matter how many rumors flew their way, they were able to fight it together. 

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