Finally Mrs. Horan (Request for KristynY20)

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Note: I hope you're all doing well, and practicing social distancing and healthy habits! We will get through this! Stay home, and stay safe! Best regards!

Niall and Kristyn had finally reached the week they had been waiting for. For months, they had been strategically planning and sculpting their wedding to be the perfect day. They sat together for hours on end bouncing ideas off of each other for the wedding and honeymoon. They ultimately decided all of the details, and then decided they would departure for Turks and Caicos Island the day after the wedding. Everything was set perfectly in stone, and today they were at the wedding rehearsal. They were so incredibly excited, and everything was rolling smoothly. "Okay guys, dinner break!" the caterer called as they set the tables. "Thank goodness, I'm starving," Niall said taking a seat next to Kristyn at their table. "Me too, babe," Kristyn laughed as they started eating. Niall went to bite his fork, and he bit way to hard. Kristyn heard the noise from the bite, and then the scream Niall produced right after. "Are you okay?" Kristyn asked immediately standing to help her fiancé. "I think I broke my teeth!" Niall exclaimed holding his mouth. "Let me see," Kristyn said gently pulling Niall's hand off his mouth. Sure enough, two of his teeth were severely broken, and needed attention fairly quickly. "Yep, they're broken. We need to get you to a dentist," Kristyn said picking up her phone. "No!" Niall protested immediately. "We don't have a choice, babe. Our wedding is tomorrow, and you don't need to leave those sitting for too long. We won't be back for days. Plus, Dr. Todd is right next door," Kristyn said calling Dr. Todd. "Hi, this is Kristyn calling for Niall Horan. We are just next door for our wedding rehearsal, and my fiancé bit into something and broken two of his teeth," he heard Kristyn inform the receptionist. After a pause, she said they would be right there. "Okay, everybody. Thank you so much for coming tonight, we are going to have to head out, because Niall needs to get to a dentist. We will see you all tomorrow," Kristyn said nicely but rushed as she picked up her belongings, grabbed Niall's hand, and led them out the door. 

"I cannot believe these things happen to me," Niall said as he walked into the office. "Things happen, babe. It isn't a big deal, we just need to get them fixed," Kristyn said opening the door to the waiting room. "Hi! Niall Horan?" the receptionist asked, and Niall nodded. "Okay, we will take you straight back if you'll just follow me," she said standing after Kristyn quickly signed him in. Niall and Kristyn walked into the hall, and followed the lady into the nearest room down the hall. "You'll be right here," she said sending them in. "Thank you!" Kristyn said as they shuffled into the room. "Hey guys! I heard you broke two teeth?" Dr. Todd asked as he leaned Niall's chair back. "Yes sir," Niall said back. "Okay! Let's see the damage here," Dr. Todd said picking up his dental mirror. "Well, these are pretty bad. Good news though, they are in the way back right before where the wisdom teeth would be on each side. Since they're back that far, I think our easiest option is going to be to just pull them. I do believe I see two cavities back here too, so let me get a quick x-ray to confirm that," Dr. Todd said grabbing the piece for Niall to bite on for the x-ray. After the x-ray was taken, Dr. Todd looked over them. "Yeah, here they are. They are in the back before the broken teeth, so I can go ahead and just pull those as well instead of filling them, and then your teeth will touch evenly," Dr. Todd said as he lined up the tools. Niall looked at Kristyn hoping she would say he didn't have to, but he knew as well as she did that it needed to be done. "I don't want to be numbed," Niall said as tears started coming down his face. "Hey, it's okay, babe. Don't cry," Kristyn said sitting down next to Niall in the spare chair. "Hey, I have an idea. Close your eyes, and think about how awesome our honeymoon is going to be," Kristyn encouraged as Dr. Todd brought the first needle closer. Niall surprisingly complied, and shut his eyes. As Dr. Todd injected the numbing agent, tears continued to run down Niall's face, but Niall did as Kristyn said earlier. "So ya'll are getting married tomorrow?" Dr. Todd asked trying to help take Niall's mind off of it. Niall nodded and kept imagining their honeymoon. "Where are you going for your honeymoon?" he asked still trying to keep Niall focused on the honeymoon. "Turks and Caicos Island," Kristyn answered as she watched Niall relax some. "That'll be so fun! You're doing great, Niall," Dr. Todd said as he pulled another tooth. Niall imagined all of the fun things that him and Kristyn were going to get to do on their honeymoon. He was so excited to get married to the love of his life. He was so excited to get married so he could start the adventures of a life time with his wife. Kristyn held Niall's hand as the procedure was finished, and Niall took it like a champ. "Alright, you're done!" Dr. Todd said sitting Niall up. "What?" Niall asked confused. "Yep!" Dr. Todd said putting everything away. "If you just keep calm, it flies by before you know it," Dr. Todd followed up. "Thanks doc," they both said happy that everything had been resolved in record time. "No problem! Congratulations you two, have a great wedding and honeymoon!" he said as they left back toward their shared house in London. 

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