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Puppets P.O.V.

Hawks had me in his arms.

What I was about to do would make me lose all awareness of my own body, I would be completely vulnerable and practically defenseless. By doing this I would be entrusting my wellbeing to Hawks, and trust is not my strong-suit.

I needed to stop Eraser and Mic, or at least stall them until the rest of the League could chase after them. I had to do this.

Compress was the only one who knew about this application of my quirk, so the best thing to do right now was get myself to him.

I looked up at Hawks, "Get me to Compress." I instructed, "He'll know what to do."

I rested into his arms and my vision turned white as I allowed my eyes to close.

Third Person P.O.V.

"Compress!" Hawks called as soon as he cleared the rubble and the rest of the League came into his line of sight. He swiftly flew to them, almost knocking Twice over as he stopped.

"Hey, watch it!" Twice snapped angrily.

Ignoring Twice, Hawks went right up to Mr. Compress.

Hawks gestured to Puppet who was still in his arms, "She told me to bring her to you, said you would know what to do."

"Lay her down." The villainous magician instructed.

Hawks laid Puppet down on the ground. He used some of his feathers and stacked them as a pillow to lay her head on.

Mr. Compress sat down near Puppets head and used his fingers to gently open her eyes part-way.

"Woah.." Hawks' voice trailed off.

The white part of the iris' of Puppets eyes seemed to be glowing softly and swirling exactly like an unclaimed soul.

"The hell is this?" Shigaraki asked aggressively.

"It's not my place to answer, she'll tell you when she's back." Mr. Compress replied.

"'Back'?" Toga questioned, "You mean when she's awake?"

"No. Using the term awake implies that she is asleep when she's not, in fact it's quite the opposite. She's more awake then ever."

"Right now all we can do is protect her, and that's what we're going to do." Kurogiri affirmed.

"She's chasing after the two escapees." Mr. Compress told, "We need to help her."

"Toga, Twice, and I will go after them. You four stay here." Shigaraki instructed looking between Kurogiri, Mr. Compress, Dabi, and the unresponsive Puppet Master.

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

Mic and I were navigating through the rubble of the building. We were trying to find our way out as quickly as possible without giving away our location. The League was still a huge threat, and we had to assume that they were chasing after us.

Hawks had let us go without much issue and I was grateful for that. He could've most likely easily taken us down, especially with my quirk being temporarily down due to dry-eye.

I heard a few crumbling sounds from above me. There were a few crevasses in the rubble that were big enough for a person to hide in. It was unsettling.

A soul jumped from one of the crevasses and tackled Mic down to the floor. He was able to quickly kick the soul off him and get up. I ran up and kicked the soul back a few meters.

"She knows where we are." Mic spoke his observation.

"I noticed." I said, not taking my eyes off the soul.

I was lucky to hear a small but noticeable crumbling sound right before I got attacked from behind by another soul. It kicked at my back, but I spun around in time to dodge.

I was able to grab the soul and I flung it away from me. It landed in a crouched position. The movements of the soul were familiar, more sophisticated than normal.

"Can't erase my quirk if you can't see my real body right, Eraser?" The soul asked.

My blood ran cold. That was Puppets voice. Was she speaking through the soul? Was she controlling it?

My confusion must have been portrayed on my face because the soul chuckled.

"You must be confused~" The soul cooed. Yeah, that was definitely Puppet.

She shrugged, "It's not ideal for me to do this, I'd rather be in my own body with my quirk. Then again, this is more efficient considering the circumstances. My body is useless right now, I don't even know where I am, my five senses are all transferred here." She gestured to the soul.

Puppet had just given up a good amount of information. She currently didn't have the usage of her quirk and had no awareness of her body. But she was able to manually control her souls, hopefully it was only one at a time.

I was aware that she was most likely trying to stall for time. This meant that other League members besides herself were coming after us too. Not good.

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