54 || Calling Two Heroes

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—The Next Day at UA 12:50pm—

Eraser Head's P.O.V.

"So how's Shinso's training going? I heard he's improving quickly." Mic asked me as we walked through the halls.

We were heading back from our lunch break, we technically still had around ten minutes before we had to be at our desks though.

"Yeah, you heard right. He has improved at an astonishing rate." I said back.

"Excuse the interruption but I think it's necessary." A new voice spoke. Of course I recognized it though, it was Nezu, he was to the left of us. I looked down at him.

"Please come to my office you two." He stated.

Neither one of us questioned him, we just followed him as he led the way to his office.

When we got to his office he opened the door. There was another person in his office, I almost turned and walked out after seeing their face. It was Tsukauchi.

"Mr. Tsukauchi is here to speak to the two of you." Nezu said gesturing to the detective.

"Good afternoon." Tsukauchi tiled his beige hat to us as a greeting, "I'm here with news on the League of Villains."

"Hit us with it." Mic eagerly said.

"Alright, we haven't found that much to act on but we have gotten a few sightings. The sightings are on Puppet Master, she's been spotted Shibuya." Tsukauchi informed, "No other League members have been spotted in the area, leading us to believe that she is either now working alone and without the League, or the League has split up to have a bigger impact on Japan."

That would make sense, before she joined the League, she worked completely alone. She was good at it too, evading capture for so long.

"The police force is willing to send you both to track her down and possibly get her back into custody. You are cohesive with each other and Aizawa knows Puppet Masters fight style best, that proved to be an effective strategy in the past." Tsukauchi told, "This is up to you, we're not going to make you chase after her."

I remained silent, not giving an answer to whether or not I agreed.

"Aizawa, this may be our best and only chance for a while that we'll be able to get her." Mic pointed out.

He was right, but I was still reluctant. Puppet was hard to deal with even if she was alone, but if it were two against one we would have a big advantage... and a much better chance of success.

I sighed, "If she's alone, then okay."

Tsukauchi nodded, "We'll dispatch you both this evening. Be cautious, I wish you both the best of luck, heroes."

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